Christine Brown Woolley Gets Her Romantic Proposal
In the latest episode of Sister Wives, David Woolley and Christine Brown Woolley took a trip to Moab.
While they were there, David took time to pop the question with a gorgeous backdrop behind them.
This came just one day after they moved into their new home together. Christine remarked, “I’m not moving slow with David and he’s not either. We’re done. We’re it for each other. So why wait?”

Sweetly, Christine revisits the moment of David Woolley’s proposal, “So I’m posing with David and then David goes, ‘This is my favorite place in all of the world, and you’re my favorite person to be with.” Continuing, “So you know how we talked about getting married? All the good times we’ve had so far.
Well, I’d like to marry you.” Christine was beyond ready to start her new chapter at that time. Surprised by the moment, she throws her things on the ground and says, “I want to marry you too.”

David Woolley’s Biting Incident
However, just before David Woolley and Christine Brown Woolley climbed out of the ATV, a biting incident occurred.
As David attempts to be romantic and slide his arm behind Christine in preparation for the proposal, Truely Brown is in the back seat and leans forward giving David’s hand a quick chomp. Shocked, David responds, “Ah, she just bit me.” Christine cackles at David’s reaction.

On Reddit, several fans weighed in on Truely’s actions. First, a user says, “Did anyone else catch that Truely BIT David while they were in the side-by-side driving to the proposal spot?” Furthermore, the user says, “Disclaimer: I know we have some speculation about Truely’s potential diagnosis, which I won’t get into and this post isn’t a discussion place for that.” Then, they add, “However, this child needs some boundaries, attention, and discipline.
We know from prior episodes that she is very articulate about her feelings and I wonder if Christine just isn’t listening. Truely is constantly pushing them apart, being downright rude, and has now BIT David and I’m concerned.”

Fans Weigh In About David Woolley Getting Bit
Directly before Truely Brown bit David Woolley, she was making faces at the camera and sticking her tongue out in hopes of stealing away some focus for herself. Several other fans weighed in on her actions.
- Another commenter adds, “Biting as a teenager is not typical ‘kids are weird’ behavior. Maybe if she was 4-6 years old, but she’s far too old to be biting.”
- “No, kids are not ‘weird’ to the point of biting people. Unless they are not being given proper direction.”
- “Idk I was that weird kid who did weird stuff out of pocket, I think because I wanted more attention because I don’t do anything like that now but I wasn’t ever doing it in a malicious way, just in a way where someone would be like what?!?”
- While some fans were concerned about “infection” from human bites, another fan defended, “If you watch carefully, it wasn’t a hard bite. It was playful. It wouldn’t have punctured the skin. David did not react in pain. He didn’t say ‘ow’. There’s no blood. I think we can calm down.”

Is It A Boundary Issue?
During the discussion, some fans felt like David Woolley and Christine Brown Woolley should be redirecting Truely Brown’s behaviors. But others think, “Kids will be kids.” Furthermore, some people recognize behaviors differ from child to child and also they depend on developmental stages.
- “Why would you assume she doesn’t get boundaries, attention, and discipline? Newsflash: kids universally behave poorly at times. Kids with behavioral diagnoses obviously behave poorly at times. I’m grateful my kids’ worst moments weren’t on TV!”
- “Because she bit someone! That is not normal behavior.”
- “Ahh the term ‘normal kids’ – they are children.. brain development, social development, etc are extremely different. Yet, they can grow to be the most amazing adults in time.”
- “Apparently, she did. Literally, all kids misbehave, even with the best boundaries, attention, and discipline. Learning self-control and pro-social behaviors takes time, and longer for some than others.”
- “But when kids misbehave adults should step in. Christine didn’t and she also didn’t when Paedon was hitting his sister‘s and Robyn’s girls.”

More People Wonder About Truely’s Choices
- “Yeah, it was definitely weird. My ASD six year old knows not to bite. If Ariella had done it ppl would be up in arms.”
- “So much this! Ari (and her parents) would get raked over the coals to hell & back. But one of Quirky Girl’s kids? Especially Truly who people gas up for reasons I do not understand – it’s cute & hilarious!”

- “She also physically runs between Christine and David when they’re holding hands, forcing them apart. And these are just the few instances we’ve seen on camera. The behavior is concerning because it’s like she’s screaming internally and acting it out physically, ‘Let go of my mom!’”
- “She was just a kid having fun. She was mugging for the camera in the backseat making goofy faces. I thought it was funny. I don’t know why people are so uptight about this. I like her quirkiness. And he didn’t scream and writhe in pain when he said it either…..”

What did you think about Truely Brown biting David Woolley? Did you think it was funny? Did it seem odd to you? Do you have a teenager who bites? Are you ready for the new episode of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.