Ever since Robyn joined Sister Wives — both the cast and the family — many of the Browns’ issues
were brought to the forefront.
As a polygamist family, the Browns had multiple wives long before Robyn came on the scene, but it
seemed like everyone was suspicious of her from the beginning. In what now seems like a red flag moment, Kody was even having his first kiss with Robyn while one of his other wives was in active labor with their child.
It wasn’t long before viewers (and family members) picked up on Kody’s seeming favoritism. It didn’t help that Robyn constantly seemed to be crying about something, coming across as the victim in a family that, while wasn’t perfect, didn’t seem to have as many problems before she came along.
After a while, fans began to suspect that Robyn’s tears weren’t authentic. Viewers picked up on a pattern of behavior that hints at how Robyn is manifesting her fake tears; here’s what we know, what fans think about Robyn’s tear-inducing hack, and how the family has reacted.
Robyn Brown “Cries” A Lot On ‘Sister Wives’
Any fan who’s watched the reality series has seen Robyn “cry”
When Robyn first joined the Brown family, Sister Wives spotlighted her courtship and marriage to Kody. Back then, things seemed happy, and Robyn was often smiling. Fast-forward a few years, and Robyn was suddenly crying in almost every episode of the show, for a variety of reasons.
Among the many times Robyn “cried” on Sister Wives were moments like her breakdown after the other wives were upset. She and Kody kissed prior to marriage (he didn’t do that with any other wife), but after Christine shared her feelings, Robyn devolved into tears.

Another time, Robyn straight up asked if the other wives were upset with her for influencing the family to move to Nevada, then immediately began wiping away tears as Janelle comforted her. For the record, the other wives have had a lot to say about Kody and Robyn’s relationship.
Robyn’s propensity to get misty eyed while discussing touchy family subjects might have made her seem relatable, except for the fact that fans swear Robyn isn’t crying real tears.
Based on the dozens of Reddit threads on the subject, hundreds of comments on the official Sister Wives social media pages, and even commentary from the Brown kids themselves, hardly anyone thinks Robyn’s crying is authentic.
The only question is how she acts like she’s crying, so much so to the point where people comfort her, hand her tissues, and think she’s sad and vulnerable. Many fans, however, think something vastly different.
Fans Think Robyn Stares At The Production Lights To Get Teary-Eyed
Robyn’s fake crying also involves wiping her eyes, tipping her chin up, and sniffling
Fans have long suspected that Robyn Brown fake cries for much of the Sister Wives footage, and they’ve nailed down a few telltale signs they say prove Robyn isn’t actually crying nine out of ten times.
One theory suggests that Robyn Brown looks at the production lights to make herself tear up. The theory came from one viewer’s child, who suggested that staring at bright lights naturally makes you tear up.
“It is so creepy when people pantomime crying yet there are no tears.” — Reddit fan
Fans were not surprised at the revelation, and looking back, many noted that they felt absolutely duped. Part of Robyn’s “crying” involved tipping her chin up, as if to hold back tears, but fans now suspect that she was actually looking at the lights on purpose to get her eyes to water.

Other signs Robyn’s crying is fake, according to fans of the show, include her wiping at tears that do not seem to exist, incessant blinking, reaching for water to drink (fans joked that Robyn gets really thirsty while faking crying), and sniffling.
One time fans thought Robyn was actually crying was during Season 12 when she told Kody about her childhood fear of her parents being arrested. Many agreed that there are times when Robyn truly cries, but that her facial expressions are very different during those situations.
“You can tell when she’s talking to Kody in this scene she genuinely is overcome with emotion, it’s pretty much the first time out of ALL the times she has cried so far that you can 100% tell she really is crying. The difference is INSANE, there’s no over-dramatic ceiling glances…” — Reddit fan
In contrast, during sit-down interviews, Robyn’s behavior seems practiced and intentional, rather than her succumbing to emotions.
Kody’s Daughter Gwendlyn Brown Agrees That Robyn Fake Cries
While watching footage of ‘Sister Wives,’ Gwendlyn pointed out Robyn’s apparent lies
Gwendlyn, the 11th Brown child, is very open about her family’s challenges and often records her reactions to watching the show. Like viewers with no personal connection to Sister Wives, Gwendlyn had many of the same concerns, including over the way Robyn treated people.
In Gwendlyn Brown’s YouTube recap of one Sister Wives episode, Gwendlyn agreed with a fan who suggested that Robyn was making herself look like a victim all through the show. Gwendlyn suggested that the other Brown siblings felt the same way, while also feeling alienated by Robyn.
In another reflection clip from her Patreon, Gwendlyn called Robyn out for fake crying.
While watching a clip from the show, Gwendlyn asked, “What is it zooming in on? Was it just me, or were there like no tears? Oh god, that must suck. Crying, and no tears are coming out.”

Gwendlyn also admitted it was “low” of her to focus on that, but the observation seemed to reiterate fans’ point that Robyn only fake cries and doesn’t often show real emotions while filming Sister Wives .
With Robyn outright taking the blame for Kody’s poor relationships with most of his kids, it’s surprising that she so often acts like a victim while filming the show.
While Gwendlyn admitted she didn’t have the best relationship with her dad, she wasn’t fully estranged, like sibling Leon, who wasn’t supported by Kody during their transition.
As for Kody, as much as Gwendlyn (and viewers) were surprised to see that he said “sorry” during filming, Kody seems to have forgiven himself for any wrongs he agrees he committed as three of his four marriages fell apart and his kids went no-contact with him.