BIGGEST BOMBSHELL!! SISTER WIVES Season 19 teaser – Robyn Brown’s SECRET REVEALED in New Season Preview

When all three of Kody Brown’s sister wives departed, it was expected that he and Robyn Brown would

settle into a monogamous relationship and perhaps even thrive at it. Sadly, this doesn’t appear to be the


In the new trailer, we’re shown glimpses of the tension currently existing in Kody and Robyn‘s marriage, and it’s enough to get fans wondering whether it’s possible for Kody to lose the last of his remaining wives. Here’s what we know about the drama.

Kody Brown – Confronts His Fractured Relationship With His Three Departed Wives In ‘Sister Wives’ Season 19 Trailer

Kody Brown may wish he never married Meri Brown, but he’s not even a model husband to his remaining wife Robyn, who doesn’t seem to be very happy in the relationship anymore.Robyn Brown “Feels Like the Idiot That Got Left Behind” In Explosive New 'Sister Wives' Trailer

The first trailer revealed how the family is moving on following the mass exit of three of Kody’s wives.

“I’m having a hard time feeling, like, losing respect for you,” Robyn is seen telling her husband in the trailer. Kody then replies with, “Robyn, I can’t even get it straight with you right now.”
Continuing on about her current discontent with Kody, she mourns, “I feel like the idiot that got left behind.”

Kody may naturally feel that most things that happen in his relationships aren’t his fault, but he did wonder what he did to deserve his wives leaving him behind. “What did I do to deserve this? What did I do wrong?”the father of 18 lamented.

Whilst Kody and Robyn try their best to readjust to living without the other three wives, Christine, who is the first of the so-called spiritual wives to leave, is ready to introduce fans to her new love David Woolley. The trailer teased a confessional interview with the duo.

Kody Brown – Regretted Marrying Meri Brown

Sister Wives: Kody Told Meri Their Marriage Was Over on Anniversary -  Business Insider

Kody’s lament on losing his wives seems to only extend to Christine and Janelle, as, according to him, Meri was the wife he wished he never married.

“It’s not divorce that sucks,” Kody tells her. “It’s marrying the wrong person.”

In her confessional interview, Meri takes offense, saying, “What sucks is marrying the wrong person and not having the decency to tell her until 32 years later.”

In true Kody fashion, he responds with, “Blame yourself if I don’t love you, OK?”

Apart from the exit drama, fans have been speculating whether Garrison Brown’s death will play into the show for months now.

A press release from TLC has finally confirmed that it would, “Through the heartbreaking pain, the family navigates this incredible tragedy. And comes together to mourn and celebrate his life.”

Sister Wives’ season 19 premiere airs Sunday, Sept. 15 at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

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