SHOCKING NEWS!! Sister Wives: Robyn Brown Drops Bombshell about Savanah | Robyn Drops Shocking News | Season 19

Recently, on Sister Wives Robyn Brown confronts Kody Brown about reaching out to his kids. Without a doubt, many of his relationships have

suffered with Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown’s kids after they left the plural family.

However, Robyn ensures that her children will not be neglected by Kody like Savanah was.

Robyn Brown Needs Kody To Step It Up

When Robyn and Kody Brown were arguing, Kody mentioned how the “ugly finger of blame” had come out. Then, he proceeds to point fingers at why he isn’t willing to get closer to his kids who are upset with him.

Furthermore, he says that some of his kids ignored him at Logan’s wedding. Immediately, he expresses how rejected he feels by some of Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown’s kids.

Robyn & Kody Brown - Sister Wives
Robyn & Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Kody Brown’s Relationships With His Kids Are Struggling

Undeniably, he is hurt by Maddie Brown Brush who “scuddled” her kids away from him. Likewise, he can’t understand why Maddie didn’t tell him she was pregnant.

Specifically, he justifies having “work and a life” in Flagstaff, AZ for the reason he isn’t able to be more present in their lives. He says his kids are punishing him for not “falling madly in love with their mothers.” Then, Kody talks about not understanding why his kids don’t like him.

Maddie Brown, Sister Wives, Instagram

Furthermore, he thinks Maddie is a gossip in the family. Additionally, he pledges to love the children who will allow him to love them. Likewise, he calls out Gabe and Hunter as well.

Furthermore, he was hurt they weren’t calling him back. Additionally, one kid called him an “a**hole” and claimed he was manipulating and brainwashing his kids. But he blames the OG3 wives for trash-talking him.

Robyn thinks that Kody needs to be “camping out at their doorsteps” to make them sort out the relationships. At the same time, Robyn Brown is ensuring her kids don’t get neglected like she remembers being by her biological father.

Robyn Brown Ensures Her Kids Are Not Neglected Like Savanah

On Reddit, Sister Wives fans point out that Robyn Brown will not stand by and watch her kids get neglected like Savanah Brown was. Initially, a user says, “Explain Savanah,” knowing that Kody’s rant didn’t touch on his sad situation with Savanah.

Then, they add, “It’s so simple. In 2021, Kody did not call or visit his underage daughter, Savanah, with whom he has NO FEUD (no Covid animosity, nothing) for at least six weeks. Didn’t get her a Christmas present. Nothing.”

Furthermore, fans know that Robyn wouldn’t sit by and let her kids be treated the way Kody was with Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown’s kids, especially, Savanah.

The Redditor continues, “We all know that if Kody didn’t call, visit or get Breanna a Christmas present for six weeks, Robyn would be raising holy hell. And he’s really asking her with doe-eyes what he did wrong. That’s it. That’s the tweet.”

Savanah Brown – Instagram

Other Fans Discuss Savanah’s Neglect

After the initial post, several other Sister Wives fans added their thoughts about Robyn Brown knowing what Kody Brown is capable of after seeing Savanah neglected.

  • One person adds, “One of the saddest things was last season, one of the producers you can tell asked Savannah when they were all at Garrison’s new house how she feels about her dad not being around. The poor thing said: ‘There really is no difference. He’s never been around anyway so my life really hasn’t changed.’ My heart literally broke for her because no kid should be raised and feel like they’re being raised by a single mom when they have a dad LITERALLY down the road. But you could see she probably will be the most


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