‘Sister Wives’ Gwendlyn Brown Calls Brother-In-Law ‘Rat B*stard’

Sister Wives star, Gwendlyn Brown doesn’t mince words. There have been plenty of instances where she shot straight when calling out Robyn or Kody Brown for instance.

Now she blasts her brother-in-law for being a “rat b*stard.”

Gwendyln Brown - YouTube

Gwendlyn Brown Shares A Tradition

Sadly, since Sister Wives star, Gwendlyn Brown’s brother, Garrison Brown, passed away in March 2024, she hasn’t been as eager to voice her opinion online.

But 2024 also brought good things, like a huge celebration of Gwen earning her bachelor’s degree from Northern Arizona University. However, to give fans a quick update in 2025, Gwen took part in a Spanish tradition of preparing for a prosperous new year.

Gwendlyn Brown and her wife Beatriz from Instagram
Gwendlyn Brown and her wife Beatriz – Instagram

Gwendlyn Brown Calls Brother-In-Law ‘Rat B*stard’

On Sister Wives star, Gwendlyn Brown’s Instagram page, she shared an update for 2025. Undoubtedly, she is just as funny as ever. She “pinky promises” she ate twelve grapes under the table for good luck to ring in the New Year.

In Spain, as midnight nears on Nochevieja, aka “old night,” onlookers wait for four fast bells to indicate it’s “go time.” Then, the following twelve bells will chime, one for each month, to represent the twelve months ahead.

Quickly, for good luck, with each chime, a person chomps down a grape before the next chime two seconds later. If a person can eat all twelve before the final “ding” it is said to bring them good luck for the year.

But Asypn Brown’s husband, Mitch Thompson, attempted to spoil everyone else’s good fortune. Gwen exclaims, “My rat bastard brother in law Mitchell tried to steal all the grapes and hog the good luck for himself.”

Gwendyln Brown Foils Mitch’s Plan

But Sister Wives star, Gwendlyn Brown didn’t let Mitchell Thompson stop her from gobbling down her twelve grapes! Unmistakably, it was all in good humor, but Gwen kept her and Beatriz Queiroz’s tradition.

They believe 2025 has many great things in store. Gwen promises her New Year’s resolution is on its way. But in the meantime, she gave fans a snapshot of her and Ysabel Brown enjoying the New Year’s Eve festivities.

Seemingly, they were having such a good time, that she only made it into the new year with one photo.

  • Sister-in-law, Michelle Petty added she and Logan Brown had a great time celebrating too. “Hahah had such a fun NYE with you 🩵🩵.” Gwen replied, “Yes! You were so fun!!!”
  • Another fan jokes, “Read the room, Mitchell! MITCHELL!!”
  • “My rbbil (rat bastard brother in law) lmaooo.”
Gwendlyn Brown and her wife Beatriz from Instagram
Gwendlyn Brown and her wife Beatriz – Instagram

Fans Send Their Support

After Sister Wives star, Gwendlyn Brown posted her and Ysabel Brown‘s contagious smiles and fun memory, other fans sent loving support in the comments.

Many people adore how happy both girls look despite the devasting struggles they have endured. Some people became aware of the “grapes under the table” tradition after Gwen’s post.

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