In General Hospital on Thursday, March 13, 2025, Curtis takes a drastic step that leaves
Porsche in a difficult position. Despite previous attempts to mend fences, Curtis officially gives
up on reconciling with Drew. In a bold move, Curtis leaks damaging information about Drew to the media, painting the congressman as an untrustworthy public figure. This revelation shakes Drew’s political career to its core—while some in town are thrilled to see him falter, Porsche is deeply worried about the fallout.
With his reputation on the line, Drew won’t hesitate to retaliate. If backed into a corner, he may expose a devastating secret Porsche has been keeping—a secret that could destroy the medical career she’s worked so hard to build. Although Rick offers potential solutions, Porsche fears none of them will truly protect her. Desperate to secure her future and save her marriage to Curtis, Porsche considers an extreme plan—eliminating Drew entirely. His disappearance would not only protect her professional reputation but also solidify her relationship with Curtis.
Meanwhile, Carly accelerates her own efforts to take Drew down. She and Nah are determined to expose his true nature before Willow grows any closer to him. In a risky move, Nah plans to secretly search through Drew’s safe for incriminating documents. However, her scheme could backfire—Willow is on high alert and may catch Nah in the act, jeopardizing their mission.
Elsewhere, Jason and Anna face unexpected dangers while trying to rescue Charlotte. Their efforts to bring her home safely become more complicated when new threats emerge. Jack Brennan, who harbors a long-standing grudge against Valentin, may use Charlotte as a pawn in his quest for revenge. Despite the looming danger, Jason and Anna’s resourcefulness and courage give them the best chance of ensuring Charlotte’s safe return.
At the same time, Lucky and Liz are stunned by the latest revelations about Drew. Neither expected him to fall so far from grace, and the scandal leaves them questioning everything they thought they knew about him. Alexis, on the other hand, is more concerned about how this chaos will affect Scout. Although she has defended Drew in the past, Alexis may soon realize that his actions make him an unfit father. If it means protecting her granddaughter, Alexis won’t hesitate to fight for custody.
As tensions rise and secrets threaten to unravel, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Will Porsche’s desperation push her to a point of no return? Can Carly and Nah expose Drew before he does more damage? And will Jason and Anna manage to outsmart Jack Brennan and rescue Charlotte in time? Stay tuned—General Hospital promises explosive drama ahead.