Coronation Street viewers were left sickened by the latest Joel Deering twist on Friday night, but they
believe his downfall is imminent.
His sickening plan to target pregnant Lauren Bolton saw him drug her with pills that would trigger a
premature labour. In disgusting scenes, Joel hoped Lauren’s unborn child, which he is the biological father of, would not survive.
But his cruel actions backfired when Lauren was rescued and rushed to hospital by Max Turner, and the baby survived. With Lauren being around five to six months pregnant, she feared for her baby’s life as she experienced severe pains.
At the hospital she was told her waters had broken and she was in premature labour, with the baby on its way. Lauren gave birth to her child who was then rushed away by doctors, with Lauren devastated by what had happened.
She had no idea that evil Joel had planned it all to get rid of her baby, amid him hiding his crimes from those in Weatherfield. Now, viewers think he slipped up more than once in the latest episode and he could finally be exposed, after his cruel plan backfired.

Coronation Street viewers were horrified by what happened to Lauren Bolton (Image:
Viewers found out last month that Lauren was still alive and in hiding after Joel attacked her and left her for dead in February. Flashbacks explained that Joel was grooming Lauren for months, coercing her into a sexual relationship and giving her money and gifts to keep her quiet.
But when Lauren wanted out he brutally attacked her, almost killing her. Lauren found out she was pregnant with Joel’s baby, something he discovered last month along with her true fate.
Lauren is now back in Weatherfield, claiming to be staying with a friend when Joel has put her up in a flat. He claimed he was going to help her flee to Ireland to get her out of the way and cover his tracks, before drugging her and locking her in the flat to stop her from getting help.
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Coronation Street viewers were left sickened by the latest Joel Deering twist on Friday night (Image:
Joel looked horrified to find out the baby had survived, and now fans hope Lauren will realise what he’s done after he locked her in at the flat. A comment to Dee-Dee about the baby not surviving also left fans wondering if she might figure out what’s going on, while fans also questioned if Max will figure out the truth about Joel owning the flat Lauren was found in.
Taking to X, one fan posted: “Surely she can put 2 & 2 together now. Shop the little psychopath.” Another said: “Lauren looked scared when she saw Joel… has she clicked to Joel bringing on her labour & why?”
A third fan wrote: “How is Joel going to explain what Lauren was doing in his flat because there’s no way Max is going to keep his mouth shut about where he found her. With any luck Lauren’s baby will be ok & Joel will crap himself.” Another said: “Joel may have just given himself away with that line to Dee Dee then.”