Next week on Coronation Street, it could be the beginning of the end for Joel as his enemies step up the
fight for justice.
Elsewhere, Tyrone makes a mistake that could push Alina away for good, while Daniel and Daisy’s
renewed closeness causes problems for both of their relationships.
Here’s our full guide to 16 big moments coming up.
1. Joel targets Carla
Joel goes out for revenge after Carla publicly humiliated him at the Chariot Square Hotel.
Dee-Dee and Lisa are concerned as they watch Joel serving Carla with a legal letter, which commences proceedings against her for slander.
2. There’s a ray of hope for Lauren
Just as the Joel situation is looking bleaker than ever, Lauren gets a visitor at the hospital.
The mystery individual may be able to help Lauren, Dee-Dee and Swain stop Joel once and for all.
3. Dee-Dee and Swain follow a new lead
Dee-Dee and Swain notice the dashcam on the Bistro van and decide to go through the footage to find evidence of Joel’s wrongdoing.
The pair hope to trace the company who sent the package of drugs to Joel, which he used to spike Lauren. They identify the private health clinic and Swain calls them to confirm who made the purchase. Has Joel’s evil crime finally come back to haunt him?
4. Lauren receives concerning news
Lauren is spending time with Max at the café when she receives a call, requesting her to come to the hospital as quickly as possible.
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Lauren and Max spring into action and learn that Frankie has been taken off for a scan after suffering a seizure.
5. Betsy makes a confession
Betsy speaks to Sabrina at the precinct and admits that she has done something bad. She later makes a similar confession to Carla at the factory.
Before long, DS Swain arrives at the factory and Betsy finally comes clean to her mum. Swain insists that they need to head to the police station to report this properly, but what has Betsy done?
6. Lauren remains under investigation
Dee-Dee supports Lauren as she meets with a social worker over Frankie’s future.
Lauren is told that she’ll have to be monitored around Frankie for the foreseeable future, as she’s still under investigation over the illegal abortion allegations.
7. Tyrone takes drastic action over Alina
Tyrone and his family enjoy some precious final moments with Dorin before he’s due to go back to Romania with Alina. Desperate to thwart Alina’s plans, Tyrone secretly steals her passport from her rucksack.
Later, Alina returns to No.9 with Dorin, clearly upset after she was unable to check in for her flight due to the missing passport. Fiz is unsettled by Tyrone’s foolish move.
8. Fiz accidentally exposes Tyrone’s scheme
Fiz returns Alina’s passport to her without giving away Tyrone’s plan. This allows Alina and Dorin to finally get away to Romania as planned.
Tyrone and the family speak to Dorin on video call, but Alina ends it abruptly and claims that it’s too upsetting for her son.
Fiz complains that she wouldn’t have returned the passport if she’d known Alina would act like this. Suddenly, Fiz and Tyrone are mortified to realise that the call is still connected and Alina heard the truth about the missing passport. How will she react?
9. Bethany doubts Daniel’s loyalty
Debbie sets up Bethany with a new work opportunity, revealing that she knows the CEO of a cosmetic surgery company, who wants someone to write an advertorial about their new clinic in Turkey. Daniel encourages Bethany to accept the assignment.
Later, Bethany worries about her relationship when she spots Daniel and Daisy hugging outside The Rovers.
10. Bethany becomes insecure
Bethany goes swimsuit shopping ahead of her trip to Turkey, but she becomes insecure over her appearance.
Bethany returns home and reveals that she didn’t make any purchases because she felt the swimsuits made her look overweight. Is this partly influenced by Daniel’s recent closeness with Daisy?
Meanwhile, Ryan wrestles with his own jealousy when he learns that Daisy will be looking after Bertie while Daniel takes Bethany off to the airport.
11. Ryan loses patience with Daisy
Ryan bemoans the lack of time that he and Daisy are spending together at the moment. He suggests that their relationship would be stronger if he moved in with Daisy, but she still isn’t keen.
This is the final straw for Ryan, who tells Daisy that it’s obvious she’s still in love with Daniel. Will this mark the end of their relationship?
12. Todd supports Billy
Billy struggles when Paul’s wheelchair and synthesiser need to be picked up, as he hasn’t had time to download all of Paul’s voice messages yet.
Todd visits Billy to confirm that Paul’s body has arrived at the undertakers if he wants to spend some time with him.
13. Bernie puts her foot down over the funeral
Summer suggests that Billy and Bernie need to start reaching some compromises over their differing ideas for Paul’s funeral.
Bernie continues to argue her point as she reminds Billy that Paul wasn’t religious. How will Billy respond?
14. Summer’s grief overwhelms her
Summer visits Gemma and Chesney’s house, bringing along some of Paul’s clothes in a bin bag.
Gemma reminisces as she pulls out Paul’s favourite T-shirt, but it all gets too much for Summer and she abruptly leaves.
15. Tracy plays matchmaker as she leaves
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Tracy heads back to Spain to give her relationship with Tommy another try.
After saying goodbyes to her family, Tracy gives Steve some advice by claiming that Cassie obviously fancies him and he should go for it.
16. Cassie makes a concerning discovery over Hope
Hope uses her vape at school and refuses to listen to Jack and Sam, who both try to warn her about the dangers.
Later at home, Cassie finds a vape pen in Hope’s bag. Hope begs her grandmother not to tell Fiz and Tyrone, but will Cassie listen?
Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednes