Emmerdale has hinted at trouble for Nicola King and Laurel Thomas, as Steph Miligan investigated Anthony Fox’s disappearance.
Evil Anthony was killed this week after being attacked by Aaron Dingle. Aaron and John Sugden covered up the crime by disposing of the body, making it seem as though Anthony had chosen to leave the village.
Meanwhile, the villain had also been hit in the head earlier that day by Laurel, who was defending Nicola during an argument between the pair. Following his disappearance, worried Nicola went to check if Anthony has been admitted to hospital, and claimed to be his daughter when questioned by staff.
In tonight’s episode, a concerned Steph wanted to find out what had happened to her grandfather. After asking around the village, she bumped into Nicola who tried to reassure her.
“I still can’t help thinking that something’s wrong,” Steph admitted.
Later, Steph went to the hospital to see if Anthony had been admitted. The staff member recognised Anthony’s name after Nicola’s visit the day before. She told Steph that a blonde woman claiming to be Anthony’s daughter had been looking for him.
“It sounded like a false alarm. Someone texted her to say he’d turned up,” she told a suspicious Steph.
Elsewhere, Laurel panicked about Anthony’s continued disappearance and wondered if she and Nicola could still help him. She suggested warning Anthony’s family that he had an injury, but Nicola talked her out of it.
“A pervert who came into my home and was alone with my daughter attacked me, and you hit him over the head,” Nicola said. “So if it turns out that he’s crawled away into a corner and died, then we’ve done the world a favour.”
At the Woolpack, Steph accused Ruby of going to the hospital to check on Anthony. Confused, Ruby denied the accusation but her daughter didn’t believe her. With Steph determined to find Anthony, could her investigation soon lead her to Laurel and Nicola?