Robyn Strikes Back!👀🔥💥 Sends a Chilling Message to the Ex-Wives in Sister Wives (VIDEO)

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown gives a shoutout to her ex-co-wives, telling them to worry about their relationships and stop bringing her name into their conversations in the latest TLC preview for the mid-season finale.

Fans see this as a different plan of attack from the usual humble wife. They have come used to finding her sobbing over missing her fellow co-wives on the TLC series.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown’s Agenda Questioned By Meri Brown

Robyn Brown sounds different in the new preview for the mid-season finale of Sister Wives. It seems the only wife left standing for Kody Brown is the topic of conversation during some of the confessionals in the upcoming episode.

Meri Brown talks with her best friend Jenn Sullivan about Robyn. Meri now realizes that Robyn sang the same song repeatedly about wanting to remain friends with Meri after she divorced Kody.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Robyn Brown

Those close to Meri warned her about Robyn lying and manipulating her. Despite this, Meri Brown tried to remain friends with her former sister wife. But Meri says what Robyn said finally didn’t ring true for her. This fourth wife ghosted her for months post-divorce.

Christine Brown also took a swipe at Kody’s youngest wife. She wondered if Robyn and Kody were closer than they reported before they tied the knot.

Previously on Sister Wives, Janelle Brown has suggested a few times that Robyn shouldn’t call the shots over selling their Coyote Pass property. So, after all the tears, the last wife left seems to change her tune. Now she targets the group of women she became sick over losing in Kody’s three divorces.

Kody Brown Is Awestruck By Wife # 4

Sister Wives fans suggest this video offers evidence that Robyn Brown got what she wanted. Kody Brown tells Sukanya Krishnan in the mid-season Tell All, that he is sick of being faulted for falling in love with Robyn.

But no one, not even his ex-wives, seems to blame him for this. Although, they do blame him for how he handled it. As the audience watched through the later seasons, they suggest that Kody tried to hang on to Meri, Janelle, and Christine. But love was not the reason.

Fans see the Sister Wives patriarch wanting all the financial help from the three wives who worked. But in turn, he didn’t provide what a husband usually provides, like loving intimate moments.

Intimacy with the three original wives became non-existent, and he moved in with his fourth wife.

Sister Wives: Robyn Suggests Ex-Wives Mind Their Own Relationships

Robyn Brown’s tear-soaked face became her MO and earned her the fan nickname of “Sobbin Robyn”. But in the latest Sister Wives preview, she’s developed more of a stern look.

So, Robyn looks into the camera complaining about the former Sister Wives ladies talking about her. “I wish they would all focus on their own relationships without my name coming up”, is what Robyn tells the interviewer, Sukanya Krishnan.

But Robyn and Kody hold the key to severing the other women from their lives. Meri Brown and Janelle Brown are only trying to get what they owe them from the Coyote Pass land. That is as far as their contact with Robyn and Kody goes.

So as the TLC show continues with Kody saying his only wife today doesn’t want to sell it, her name will come up. But today, fans find it ironic that Robyn Brown went from wanting her Sister Wives’ partners back to saying they should mind their business.

Especially, when she’s the gatekeeper to their finances from the Coyote Pass land on the TLC series.

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