Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought that whole thing with Alexis on the pier with the gun was super stupid. She’s a lawyer number one and number two she didn’t even know Cates was dead so why would she get rid of the gun instead of holding onto it and speaking to Christina. And now both Rick and Elizabeth know she threw a gun over the bridge. Stupid 😠🤦‍♂️😠

“Alexis and the Gun on the Pier: A Misstep in General

Hospital’s Plot?”

As General Hospital fans, we’re used to drama, unexpected twists, and some outlandish situations. But

Alexis’s recent scene on the pier with the gun had many viewers scratching their heads in frustration.

The once sharp and strategic lawyer seemed to abandon all logic, making decisions that felt completely out of character and left fans asking: “What was she thinking?”

A Lawyer’s Misjudgment?

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First and foremost, Alexis Davis is not just any character—she’s a highly experienced lawyer. Someone with her legal expertise should have known better than to panic and throw the gun over the bridge. As a lawyer, she would’ve been well aware of how such an action could lead to serious legal consequences, especially when there was no concrete evidence that it had even been used in a crime. The fact that she acted without first understanding the full situation, like whether or not Cates was actually dead, makes the decision even more baffling.

Many fans are asking the same question: Why wouldn’t Alexis hold onto the gun and wait for more information? Her rash decision not only compromised her own position but also added unnecessary risk to her family, particularly her daughter Christina.

Communication Breakdown

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Another glaring issue with Alexis’s behavior on the pier is her failure to communicate. In such a tense situation, speaking with Christina should have been her priority. Understanding what was going on before taking drastic measures could have prevented a lot of the mess that followed. Instead, by disposing of the gun so quickly, Alexis only raised more suspicion, which eventually involved Rick and Elizabeth.

What makes this even more frustrating for viewers is that Alexis has always been portrayed as someone who thinks things through—someone who usually considers all angles before making decisions. So, this sudden impulsiveness feels out of place, especially when dealing with something as serious as a murder weapon.

Now Everyone Knows
What started as Alexis’s moment of panic has now spiraled into something much bigger, with Rick and Elizabeth also finding out about the gun being thrown off the bridge. This raises even more questions: Will they use this information against Alexis? How long before the whole thing blows up in her face?

The audience can already sense the brewing storm, and while drama is part of why we love General Hospital, there’s something undeniably frustrating about watching characters we care about make easily avoidable mistakes. The whole incident with the gun feels like a missed opportunity for more thoughtful storytelling.

Fan Frustrations
It’s clear that many fans share similar frustrations over this storyline. “Tell me I’m not the only one who thought that whole thing with Alexis on the pier was super stupid,” expresses a common sentiment that’s been making the rounds in online discussions. The consensus seems to be that the writers could have handled this situation in a way that was truer to Alexis’s character, rather than having her act impulsively without fully thinking things through.

What’s Next for Alexis?
With Rick and Elizabeth in the know and the potential for legal trouble looming, it’s only a matter of time before Alexis’s hasty decision comes back to haunt her. Fans are left wondering how the fallout will impact her relationships, her career, and her family. Will Alexis be able to come up with a plan to save herself, or is she too far in over her head this time?

Final Thoughts
While General Hospital thrives on creating suspense and drama, moments like these—where characters act out of character—can be a little too much for dedicated fans. Alexis’s decision on the pier didn’t just frustrate viewers; it took away from the credibility of her character. As we continue to watch the fallout from this situation unfold, we can only hope that the show’s writers return to the smart, savvy Alexis we all know and love.

Call to Action
What do you think? Was Alexis’s decision to toss the gun completely out of character? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more General Hospital discussions and spoilers!

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