OMG SHOCKING!! Huge gun drama as Emmerdale resident gets the shock of their life

Steph Miligan (Georgia Jay) is determined to discover what happened to her grandfather in Emmerdale in upcoming episodes, as her suspicions increase that her parents are hiding something about his disappearance.

Viewers know that there’s currently a fragile pact in place to keep what happened to Anthony (Nicholas Day) quiet. The vile man was confronted by Caleb (William Ash) after he discovered that Anthony had abused Ruby (Beth Cordingly) and was the biological father of Steph.

Later, Aaron (Danny Miller) also confronted Anthony, who goaded him until Aaron gave him a savage beating as he recalled the abuse he’d suffered himself at the hands of his own father.

But it was Ruby who killed Anthony after she found him seriously wounded following Aaron’s attack. With the body having being disposed of by John Sugden (Oliver Farnworth) – who thought that Aaron had killed Anthony and was desperate to keep him out of jail – there were now quite a lot of people who knew what had really happened.

They, along with Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Chas (Lucy Pargeter) who were also involved, agreed to stick to the story that Anthony had left the village.

Steph looks curious in Emmerdale
Turning detective 

Ruby is adamant that Steph must be protected from all this and can’t ever find out that her grandfather is, in fact, her father. So even though the revelation that Ruby had slept with Cain Dingle and Caleb is standing by her regardless has made Steph despise her parents, Ruby won’t tell her what Anthony did.

This has left Steph deeply suspicious, knowing that people are keeping secrets. This is heightened in upcoming episodes when she takes a phone call from a friend of Anthony’s who was expecting him to visit. Ruby’s reaction to this call only adds to Steph’s feeling that her parents are hiding something about Anthony’s disappearance.

‘What we see in Steph here is that she’s turning detective. It’s like figuring out a crime. She’s really clever and she’s putting it all together slowly,’ Georgia Jay told us.

Steph tries to talk to Aaron and Caleb in the pub in Emmerdale
Steph is determined to find out the truth 

Caleb tries to get Ross (Mike Parr) to stop Steph digging into matters further, but this backfires when something Ross says catches Steph’s attention.

‘She gets this insight with Ross, figuring out that something’s not right with Ross as well,’ Georgia revealed.

‘She gets a sudden insight to look in the safe, and when she does she finds the revolver in there.’

This is the revolver Caleb used to threaten Anthony with in a tense game of Russian roulette – and Steph is convinced she’s found the weapon that was used to kill her grandfather.

Georgia told us what happens next. ’She doesn’t hang around and goes to confront Caleb. Steph comes straight out with it and confronts Caleb with the revolver.

Anthony Fox in front of a gloomy Emmerdale village.
Anthony was killed by Ruby (Picture: ITV)

‘He is straight away very defensive and comes up with some story that it was used as a threat for Cain after he found out about Ruby and Cain together. He’s quite quick on it and comes up with quite an elaborate story which has a bit of truth, so he’s quick on his feet to think of that.’

It doesn’t put Steph off, though – as she marches straight off to find Cain to see if he corroborates Caleb’s story.

Of course there’s been bad blood between Cain and Caleb ever since Caleb explosively revealed that he knew about Cain and Ruby, right before the fateful limo crash. Caleb even tried to frame Cain for Anthony’s murder.

So will Cain back up Caleb’s story?

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