Coronation Street has aired David Platt’s much-advertised hitman attack, with an extra twist in the story — Nick Tilsley, Audrey Roberts, and Sarah Platt now know exactly why it happened.
The latest instalment of the ITV soap tonight saw David narrate his day, counting down to the hour the hit he had planned on himself (partly due to guilt, partly as a way to get his family out of the financial ruin he got them in) would take place.
As he said goodbye to Lily in the morning, an unaware Nick joked about how David was being overdramatic and acting like he’d never see her again.
David also organised a lunchtime get together in the pub, and did grandmother Audrey’s hair for her.
David asked her about the time she tried to take her own life and she told him she was glad she didn’t. She explained she would’ve missed all the little things in life that people don’t always think about, as well as seeing Gail get her sunset ending.
They were interrupted by a call from Max from prison. The youngster tearfully said he’d learned Harvey was still going to send people after him despite being locked up.
David then headed to the Rovers and got drunk before Sarah and Nick turned up. They both teased him about drinking vodka at lunchtime and he said he wanted them to stop all their sibling fighting.
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He then wrote a letter for Shona sharing his hopes she’d be able to forgive him one day, while drinking more vodka.
Afterwards, he sent hitman Andy a voice note telling him not to miss and shared his location.
As the time approached, he drunkenly stumbled into the road as Andy sped towards him… hitting both David and a pregnant Daisy Midgeley.
Shona arrived just in time to see the crash and tried to stop him bleeding, while Kit Green called an ambulance for them both. Nick came out of the pub and saw an injured Andy hobbling away from his crashed car.
Nick cornered the villain, who revealed: “It’s what David wanted.”
He then played the voice note of David asking him to make the hit “quick and painless”.
Andy told Nick to keep quiet about it, warning he’d “only make it worse for him” if he talks.
Not long after, Sarah found the letter that had been written for Shona. Nick and Audrey came over and the three of them shared what they knew, piecing together all of David’s plan.
The trio met up with Shona at the hospital, where they learned it was touch-and-go with David.
Shona said she felt suspicious about the whole situation, feeling Harvey was involved, but none of the three could tell her the truth. Nick even lied and said he didn’t manage to catch Andy.
After Shona left, she admitted she thought they should tell Shona what happened, but Nick and Sarah told her with everything Shona has on her plate, it was a bad idea.
As the episode ended, Sarah read the letter again as David’s voiceover played out. Will they tell Shona the truth?