NEW HEARTBREAKING! SISTER WIVES Season 19 Teaser !! Robyn MAY LEAVE Kody Brown according to Family Insider

Just a few days ago, TLC debuted the Sister Wives Season 19 trailer. Things are not looking good

for Kody Brown and his fourth wife, Robyn Brown

Robyn, of course, is the last wife standing after Kody’s three “spiritual” wives – Christine Brown, Janelle

Brown, and Meri Brown – left him over the course of the past three years.

While Robyn feels like “the idiot that got left behind,” it’s not looking good. A source close to the family recently told The U.S. Sun, “Robyn and Kody are not doing well. They have been very unhappy … [and] it’s getting worse.”

The wrath of Kody Brown

The biggest cause of stress in Kody and Robyn’s relationship, according to the source, is Kody’s deep anger. “He’s just really mad at the world right now,” the insider told The U.S. Sun. “He’s not who he used to be at all.”

“[Kody]’s completely changed,” the source added. “He’s angry, and he’s volatile, and he doesn’t like anybody that’s not worshiping him.”

Reportedly, Kody has become even more controlling than he was before, which is hard to believe. Kody’s always ruled his family with an iron hand. But his control over his family, which is basically just Robyn and her five kids these days, has caused Robyn “to become more submissive.”

Kody’s efforts to control so much of his only remaining spouse’s daily life has made her very unhappy. The insider claims that Robyn used to be more social, visit friends, and talk on the phone for hours. But she’s become more isolated under Kody’s constant control.

The Season 19 trailer shows the couple arguing outside in the snow. A tearful Robyn tells Kody, “I’m having a hard time … [I] feeling like [I’m] losing respect for you.”

Kody angrily responds, “Robyn, I can’t even get it straight with you right now!”

Robyn and Kody Brown in Sister Wives

Things have deteriorated so badly between the couple, who have been together for 14 years, that the insider calls Kody “a mirror image” of Robyn’s ex-husband, David Jessop. The source believes Robyn “could definitely leave” Kody if things don’t get better.

“Robyn is not committed to staying if things don’t change,” the insider reported. “That’s just what it has come down to. Their marriage is not going to sustain this kind of control.

She’s not going to let her kids be raised in the same volatile, angry state that her other kids were raised in.”

When Robyn and Kody first met, she “fell in love with the man who took care of his family.” But the source claims Kody is “no longer that person.” The insider adds that they could “definitely see her leaving” if Kody’s toxic behavior continues.

After Kody divorced Meri and legally married Robyn in 2014, he adopted her children with Jessop: Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna. They later welcomed two children together, Solomon and Ariella.

Robyn is financially reliant on Kody, and her two younger children with him are only 12 and 8, so it would be difficult for her to leave.

“The kids and money are keeping her in the marriage, truthfully,” the source concludes.

Sister Wives Season 19 premieres Sunday, September 15 at 10/9c on TLC.

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