Will Summer’s custody battle with Kyle turn out in her favor?Is Summer being wise?
On the July 1 episode of The Young and the Restless, Summer told Kyle she wanted to revisit their
custody agreement. Kyle urged her not to, but Summer wouldn’t be dissuaded, which could be a mistake.
Kyle urged Summer to consider what was best for Harrison.
Summer wouldn’t listen, though, and she wanted Kyle that she would have her lawyer call his.
It seems like Summer isn’t making the smartest move here. We understand that she’s worried about Claire being around Harrison.
However, Harrison is clearly bonded with the woman he was kidnapped with. Ripping them apart could end up causing more emotional trauma for Harrison.
It seems like there’s something about being around her that’s helped the little boy.
Then, there’s the problem of Summer declaring Harrison couldn’t be around Audra ( who recently made a big change).
Sure, Audra is a ruthless businesswoman, and Summer doesn’t have to like her. However, there’s nothing at all that points to Audra being a danger to Harrison.
We agree with her that Kyle is making mistakes in joining up with Audra at Glissade, but how does that endanger the little boy?
Trying to use her as a reason to revisit custody doesn’t seem like a smart idea at all. It almost seems as if Summer could end up losing what custody and time she has with the little boy.
After all, Tara Locke is his biological mother, and it’s not even entirely clear if she ever adopted Harrison.
What do you think? Is Summer making a bad move here?