HOT SHOCKING UPDATE!! Janelle Brown’s Daughter Flees Flagstaff After Kody Abandons/Neglects Her After Garrison’s Passing

The Brown family of Sister Wives fame recently got together to celebrate and enjoy each other’s

company. Although Hunter Brown isn’t a regular feature on the show any longer, he still adores his

siblings and enjoys quality time with them.

Hunter recently uploaded photos from the get-together to share with Instagram followers. Keep reading and see what the children are up to.

The Children Of Sister Wives Gather For A Special Outing

Since Sisters Wives premiered 18 seasons ago, fans have watched the Browns move from Utah to Las Vegas to Flagstaff. Along the way, many of the children grew up and moved away. Over the years, it’s become difficult for everyone to get together.

But even so, the siblings do their best to stay in touch and spend time together when possible. That’s why fans found Hunter’s latest photos so special.

Gabe Brown, Garrison Brown, and Hunter Brown from Instagram
Hunter Brown/Instagram

“Yeah, I don’t know…” Hunter simply captioned the Instagram photos. The images featured Hunter and several of siblings, including Aspyn, Leon, and Logan who rarely appear on Sister Wives at all. Several of Hunter’s friends also appeared in the photos, including one of Hunter in his military uniform.

Based on the photos from the concert, fans were able to determine they went to see Zach Bryan perform. It seems that everyone had a wonderful time.

Other Instagram users were delighted to see the Brown children spending quality time together again. They left comments including:

  • “Great photo seeing so many of your siblings together xx”
  • “That’s awesome that so many of you were able to get together! I have a hard time just getting my TWO adult kids together with their schedules 😂”
  • “Love this!! Stick close with your originals no matter the adult craziness ❤️”
  • “It makes my heart happy to see you all together smiling❤️”

Robyn’s Children Were Noticeably Absent

Although many of the Brown children got along with Robyn’s kids when they were all younger, their relationships seem to be in question now that they’re all adults.

Robyn’s children were noticeably absent from Garrison Brown’s funeral and proceeding memorial services. Gwendlyn Brown stated on her Patreon page that she and Aurora were incredibly close when they were younger. Sadly, a lot of the adults’ ongoing drama fractured their relationship.

If Hunter maintains a close relationship with Dayton, Breanna, or Aurora, he hasn’t spoken much about it.

What did you think about the Brown children’s reunion at the Zach Brown concert? Were you surprised Robyn’s kids didn’t attend? Share your own thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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