The holidays can be a lotta fun. Get-togethers and sing-alongs and all that. But they can also be more than a little stressful, what with the proximity of relatives you’d just as soon avoid and
presents you might have to win an Emmy pretending you like. So take a break for a moment, why don’t you, and have a laugh courtesy of Eva LaRue, who shared some of this year’s General
Hospital blooper reel on Instagram.
“Sleighed it,” cracked Natalia’s portrayer.
Honestly, the characters on General Hospital could use this levity as much as we could right about now. Michael’s marriage is going up in smoke, Josslyn is mourning yet another boyfriend, the Davis girls have endured one loss after another, Molly and T.J. are kaput, Elizabeth is being accused of doing things she wouldn’t ever do, and Lulu has awakened to a strange new world.
All that, and Cyrus is still on the loose!