General Hospital Just Set Up a Double-Cheating Pregnancy Shocker — *and* Reunited a Broken Family

General Hospital served up another week of characters learning the devastating news about Sam, while also dragging its feet on giving

everyone answers on the deceased’s autopsy and what really happened to her. The “We knew this was coming” sex between Drew and

Willow finally happened, and Michael knows about it while keeping his own infidelity with Sasha a secret. And Jenz Sidwell returned with

a vengeance.

Oh Baby, Baby

The day after Michael had drunk sex with Sasha, he went home, forgave Willow for kissing Drew and then slept with her. Damn, Michael, you are as nasty as Drew and Willow! A day later, Willow helped Drew deal with his grief over Sam’s death by riding him like a stallion in the Quartermaine nursery. Wait, where the kids sleep? Gross! And, of course, Michael watched it all on the nanny cam.

Sasha looks to a shirtless Michael sleeping in bed

I think we all know where this is going: Sasha will become pregnant with Michael’s child, and Willow won’t know if she’s carrying Drew or Michael’s baby. Normally, this would be a good old-fashioned kind of soapy-drama storyline. The only problem is that most of us don’t care about Drew or Willow and have hated this storyline from the beginning. Plus, I wouldn’t wish Michael on any woman, especially not Sasha, who I like!

Ultimately, this could facilitate a reunion between Sasha and Michael, along with Willow and Drew exiting the canvas and moving to DC after he’s elected to Congress. However, that may not be in the cards, at least not if Tracy and Cody can help it. Their conversation on Friday’s episode about Drew being a true Quartermaine, what with him cheating with Willow and trying to pay Cody off to keep it a secret was spot on. I’m still struggling with why the writers turned Drew into such a creep. I’m as down as Cody is to see him working with Tracy to upend Drew’s life at this point.

Tracy and Cody deal GH

I loved Sasha lashing out at Willow, who tried to blame all her current troubles on Sasha and Cody’s big mouths. Then again, she’s married to Michael and adores Carly, so of course all her problems are someone else’s fault! Sasha wasn’t having it, even telling Willow that she fits right in with the den of snakes living in the Quartermaine mansion. Damn, gurl! So, who will Willow blame for taking a ride on the Drew Q Express?

Willow and Drew kiss

I was so happy to see Ava and Nina working to repair their friendship, which never should have been destroyed by the writers in the first place. Nina opening up to Ava about her dirty tangos with Drew, and Ava warning her to come clean and learn from her history with Kiki and Morgan, was a nice nod to the past. When and if Nina does tell Willow about her involvement with Drew, what are the odds Willow somehow makes Nina to blame for her situation and mistakes with Drew?

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

So Sidwell returned, and Holly faced the consequences of stealing his diamonds when he took Sasha hostage. Sasha tried her best to con Sidwell, showing off what her mother taught her. I found Sidwell not buying her offer because, “Like mother like daughter,” a great line. Probably one Sasha cringed at hearing!

Sasha and Sidwell GH

Carly turning to Brennan to help get Sasha back wasn’t a surprise, but her realizing he actually cared for her and her safety was nice to see. I’ve said it before, but I really like these two together, as they just click on screen. Then again, Charles Mesure (Brennan) oozes chemistry with everyone he acts with. Also, I got a good chuckle when Carly stormed out of his office, and Brennan said, “That look was uncalled for, young lady!” I’m seeing a supporting actor nom for Mesure in the future.

Brennan and Carly GH

Many viewers have not been fans of Anna lately, especially when she plays fast and loose with the law when it suits her but crucifies anyone else who does it. I’m sure many loved the interaction between Ric and Anna on Friday when he called her out for looking the other way when it comes to the known criminals she’s grown a little too close to lately.

Ric questions Anna

Even I found Anna a Debbie Downer this week, constantly harping at Robert about Holly and her likely putting the diamonds above her own daughter. However, Holly proved her wrong, and with Diane about to walk away from Robert, could we be looking at a Robert and Holly reunion? Will the ordeal they just went through finally be enough for her to settle down and give up the con life? After Brennan and Jason rescued Sasha, there was a definite moment between the father and daughter, and even Holly and Sasha. However, it appears Jenz is still out there, so he’ll probably come looking for Holly sooner or later for revenge. That, though, could be Holly’s cue to exit. She could flee Port Charles to keep Robert and Sasha safe from Sidwell.

Sasha and Holly GH

So, I will admit, Friday’s show had me on edge. I thought they might kill Sasha in the explosion for a hot second. Let’s face it: Killing Sasha is the only awful thing the writers haven’t done to her yet!

Another Week of Goodbyes

It was another week of characters reacting to Sam’s death. Jason being there for Maxie and Spinelli was a great scene. Genie Francis rocked as Laura comforted a guilt-ridden Rocco, who admitted if someone had to die during the surgeries, he didn’t want it to be his mother.

GH's Laura and Rocco holding hands, eyes closed in the chapel, praying

Kristina and Molly’s bickering while Alexis was grieving was, as always, over the top. So it was nice to see Alexis tell her daughters to shut it and that they needed to be there for one another right now. Brad and Lucas also shared some touching scenes until Carly barged in and ordered Brad to leave her brother alone. I’m really feeling for Lucas and knew the moment he agreed to perform Sam’s surgery that he’d be blaming himself for her death. How long until they give us, the audience, some closure as well and reveal what really happened to Sam?

GH, Dante holds Sam's hand with one hand and his head with the other as he cries over her hospital bedside

After somewhat processing life without Sam, Alexis told Olivia and Dante that she believed Danny and Scout should live with her. She’s not wrong, as neither Drew nor Jason are exactly Fathers of the Year nor able to provide a stable home. Those kids would most likely be raised by the Quartermaine staff. Though I wouldn’t mind if the kids chose to stay with Dante and the family they had built. Even though Scout is young, she should be asked what she would like, and so should Danny.

Alexis and Dante GH

Dante and Alexis’ scene at week’s end discussing the children’s future, and life without Sam, was gut-wrenching. So many of these actors deserve Daytime Emmys for their performances! I do believe, though, this one is Nancy Lee Grahn’s for the taking, along with Dominic Zamprogna’s. Though, as Richard wrote last week, even Steve Burton’s goodbye to Sam was a tearjerker.

Well, that’s all the thoughts and opinions I have for you this week. As always, join the conversation and leave yours in the comments!

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