STEPH Fox-Miligan hatches a shock plan in upcoming Emmerdale scenes – and it’s bad news for her parents.
The character – played by Georgia Jay – hasjust discovered the horrifying truth about grandfather Anthony (Nicholas Day).
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In scenes yet to air, Steph is unreachable and missing – leaving her parents very concerned.
They are worried about how she is dealing with the hugely traumatic bombshell.
However, Ruby then has a sudden thought about where Steph could be.
She heads off to find Steph at Anthony’s burial spot in the woods.
Upon arriving, Ruby promises her daughter that they will work through the trauma together.
Steph, however, has a plan and gathers her conspirators together to reveal all.
In scenes aired last year, it was revealed Anthony had abused Ruby when she was a teenager.
But a further horrifying revelation confirmed the villain was Steph’s actual biological father – not Caleb.
Steph had been unaware about any of this until very recently- including Anthony’s death.
Viewers saw the village monster killed in cold blood during scenes shown in January.
Watch the grisly moment Anthony Fox in Emmerdale is murdered in cold blood – and another villager covers it up
Anthony was ultimately brutally beaten on the floor of the depot.
It was initially believed Aaron Dingle was responsible for murdering him.
However, a surprise flashback revealed Ruby had been the one who struck the fatal blow.
Having seen Aaron sneak out of the depot, Ruby walked in and saw her father laying on the floor.
The character Aaron Dingle (formerly Livesy) made his Emmerdale debut all the way back in 2003. Current actor Danny Miller took on the role in 2008. Here are some of Aaron’s biggest soap storylines over the years.
She eventually smothered him with a rag and left him to die.
As she confessed all to Caleb, they soon realised that Aaron and John had gone to clean up the mess.
The pair did so having believed that Aaron was responsible for Anthony’s death.