“Shocking choices and betrayals shake Port Charles! Chase’s baby dilemma, Tracy’s ruthless ruling, Trina’s unexpected romance, and Joss’s covert mission—who will rise, and who will fall?”

In their room, Brook Lynn finds Chase getting dressed. He explains he is headed to meet Dante at the gym. However, first, he thinks he’s come up with a way

to have a baby of their own. He suggests asking Finn to be a sperm donor, that way their baby would be a part of both of them.

Brook Lynn asks if he’s already talked to Finn about this.

Chase has a baby idea GH

Chase says he’d never talk to Finn before her, but if she’s onboard, they could talk to him tonight. Brook Lynn says this is a huge decision, and they have to think about it. He notes it seems like she hates it. She doesn’t, but she wants to have his baby, not his brother’s, but she knows that’s impossible. She points out that Finn takes being a father seriously, so he may not want them raising his biological child. She also says Kristina and Molly tried to take this route, and it ended badly. She asks what happens when their child eventually learns that their father is their uncle. Chase asks if they need to know. Brook Lynn says she’d never want their child to feel they were a consolation prize.

BLQ and Chase talk baby GH

Chase says he needs to get to the gym and meet Dante. She feels she disappointed him, but he wants them to always be open and honest with one another.

Tracy’s Family Disagrees With Her

In the living room, Tracy reveals to the family that a judge has ruled that Drew cannot use the Quartermaine name. Gio, Ned, Lois Olivia are stunned, but Tracy doesn’t want Drew tarnishing their family name.

Tracy makes an announcement GH

Lois asks what about Scout. Tracy says she is Alan’s granddaughter and will always be a Quartermaine. Lois asks why Drew has to be a Cain, then. Gio points out that he never knew his own father, and Scout will want the same last name as her dad. If she doesn’t have the Quartermaine name, she won’t feel like she is one. Olivia agrees and Scout has been through enough, she has lost her mother and her home. Tracy says she’s trying to protect her father’s legacy from Drew’s machinations. Lois says Edward tarnished the family name just fine. Tracy tells Lois she’s a guest, so but out. Lois storms off, and Tracy asks Gio If something else is on his mind.

The Quartermaine family GH

Gio tells Tracy family is family, and you can’t kick someone out because you don’t like them. Olivia and Ned agree, and punishing Drew will only bring harm to Scout. Tracy tells Gio that he has no say in this as he’s not a Quartermaine, but if he was, he’d be a better one than Drew.

Lois checks on Brook Lynn, who tells her mom what Chase suggested about his brother being a sperm donor. Lois didn’t see that one coming, and Brook Lynn didn’t either, and she doesn’t know what to do.

Kai and Trina Make Art

At the museum, Trina is back on the stepladder working on her painting, and Kai continues his. She asks if he hadn’t met her, does he think he’d still be playing football? Kai tells her that nothing she did distracted him during that final game, and he knows Quinn talked to her. Kai says Quinn is just looking for someone to blame, as the same thing can happen to Quinn. Injuries are inevitable, and his luck ran out. He doesn’t want to think about never meeting her, as he’d be losing his mind right now if it weren’t for her.

KAi and Trina paint GH

He asks if Quinn was why she backed off seeing him. She says partly, but she also realized she took it upon herself to organize his life, and she should have respected him and his decisions. He admits she was pushy, but she also challenged him to open up and realize there are more possibilities than football out there. They get back to work, and Trina ends up tripping and falling, and Kai catches her. They then move in for a kiss.

Trina falls into Kai's arms GH

WSB Special Agent, Joss Jacks

In Jack’s office, Joss tells him that she’s not a spy, she’s a college student. He tells her they’ll train her, and she has the assets necessary to do the job, including wanting to make a difference in the world. She thinks he’s mistaken as she tipped Cyrus off about the investigation into him, and Jack fed her the info that led her to the cabin. Jack argues that he only gave her clues, and she figured them out. Admittedly, he did not think she would bring a gun to the cabin. However, what she did, killing Cyrus, had to be done. He points out she likely saved countless more lives.

Jack talks to JOss GH

Jack tells her that she will have to work in the shadows, and she can tell no one, not even her mother, that she’s working for the WSB.  Joss asks why she’d want to work for them? He tells her that covert work helps change the world. He is offering her a life, a career in which she can use her athletic skills and mind to make a difference. He asks if she’s studying anything at school that compares to that. She admits she isn’t. He asks how she felt stopping Dex’s killer from killing again. She says it felt like he did something good. Jack says there are many other dangerous people out there, and sometimes you have to go outside the system for the greater good.

Joss and Jack talk WSB GH

Joss says she won’t kill people, and he says they have others to do that. He tells her she is a college student and will remain one, and she can get into places and ask questions others can’t. He asks how that sounds to her? She feels she doesn’t have much of a choice, as he could send her to prison.

Joss and Jack talk GH

Jack says a coerced agent does him no good. He is offering her the opportunity to make a difference in the world and to challenge herself like never before. However, if she doesn’t want it, that’s fine. Whatever she chooses, he asks she never mention this to her mother, they’ll forget this happened, and she can go and get her degree in environmental science. Joss asks if he really thinks she’d make a good agent. He does, so she wants to do it, for the reasons he said, but also for Dex. He says excellent, and she leaves tonight.

Curtis and Stella Plot Against Drew

At the hospital, Stella tells Curtis she talked to her friend, Congressman Doug Henderson. She says Congressman Henderson will meet with him, and he has to convince Doug that Drew is only out for himself.

Stell and Curtis talk Drew GH

Curtis practices an approach on Stella, who pretends to be Doug. He tells Doug that Drew wants to be on the appropriation committee only to carry out his vendetta against Aurora, a company he founded, but it was taken from him. His need for revenge will hurt the people of Port Charles, as he’s trying to derail the McConkey Esplanade, who was his mentor and predecessor. That esplanade will bring economic growth to the city, and Aurora is a major employer in Port Charles.

Curtis and Stella plot GH

Stella thinks it will work. She tells Curtis that she’s proud of him, but also worries Drew will retaliate. Curtis says she and his mama always told him to stand up for what’s right, and taking down Drew is the right thing to do.

Drew Refuses to Help Jason

Jason and Turner GH

At the PCPD, ADA Turner asks Drew if Jason was at his house last night during the hours Cyrus is believed to have been murdered. Drew says, “So this is what it has come down to. Jason is using his position as a congressman to cover up his crime.” Drew throws Jason under the bus and says he was home alone, and Jason is lying. He even offers to sign an official statement, and while he understands Jason’s hatred of Cyrus, he can’t lie for him.

Jason lies to the ADA's face GH

Carly lashes out at Drew over the man he’s become. The ADA orders Jason to be taken to booking, and he is. Carly looks at Willow and asks, “Are you okay with all of this? What the hell has happened to you!” Willow states that if Drew says he wasn’t with Jason, then he is telling the truth. Carly calls Drew a man hell-bent on sending his brother to jail and tells Willow that Drew is not the man she thinks he is. She tells Willow to wake up as she’s having an affair with a man that doesn’t exist. Willow asks Drew if they can leave, and he says they can, and that he’ll give his statement to the ADA tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Anna tells Turner she’s getting way ahead of herself, and Jason’s DNA isn’t enough to convict him. Turner says Detective Bennet will take over the case and find all the evidence they need.

Diane arrives, and has words with ADA Turner. Diane argues anything Jason said prior to her arrival will be tossed out, including naming an alibi.

Carly begs Anna to do something. Anna tells Carly that Turner tossed her off this case because she and Jason are friends. Carly says she needs to get Jason out of that cell and back with his son. Anna feels that’s up to Diane.

Anna tells Carly about Michael GH

Anna tells Carly there is something she needs to know: Cyrus tried to make Michael one of his victims and almost did. Carly wants to know who killed Cyrus so she can thank them.

Diane meets with Jason in the interrogation room. She says an alibi is a new tactic for him, and feels his priorities have shifted, and it’s because of his son. He maintains he was never at that cabin and doesn’t even know where it is. She wonders who wants to frame him? He doesn’t know, but he’d never make such a mistake as to leave his DNA behind. However, whoever planted it used the fact that he threatened Cyrus publicly to make him look guilty.

Diane meets with Jason GH

Carly asks the ADA to speak to Jason, but she says she can’t yet. Turner asks Carly why Jason would name an alibi that wouldn’t work out. Carly says Drew is lying, and he’s just like all the other congressmen in DC. Carly points out there is no body to charge Jason with murder, but Turner says many heard Jason promise to make Cyrus disappear. Plus, he had a motive: Cyrus killed Sam.

Carly and the ADA GH

Anna checks in on Jason and tells him that she’s been taken off his case, but she is determined to find Cyrus’ body. Jason says she won’t, as Cyrus was taken out by a pro, one who doesn’t leave tracks. That gets her thinking.

Diane returns with an order from a judge to release Jason, and the judge agrees there is no case. Turner says they’ll still make a case, which Diane insists she will fight.

Diane goes with Jason to be processed, and Carly tells Anna that she’s glad this is over. Anna says it’s not, and whoever killed Cyrus set Jason up. If Cyrus’ body is found, Jason will be back in here. She is determined to find out who framed Jason and planted that evidence.

Willow Moves In

Drew takes Willow home and says he’s so sorry about what happened at the station. Willow doesn’t understand why Carly kept calling him a liar. He says it’s Carly’s MO these days, and if she has anything that she wants to ask him, to ask him. She has no questions, and he thanks her for believing in him. She knows they have a connection. She doesn’t have to pretend with him, and he accepts her. Carly acts like he stole her from Michael. She regrets how Michael found out, but she chooses him completely, and wants the world to know it. Willow says she and the kids would love to move in with him. They kiss.

Drew lies to Willow GH

On the next General HospitalChase vents his frustrations to Dante. Lois tells Brook Lynn this is her choice. Carly wonders what trouble Jack’s been up to. Martin tells Tracy it’s time to revisit the cease-and-desist discussion. Sidwell takes Lucky out again. Laura warns Sonny not to retaliate. Lulu pleads with her still unconscious brother that she can’t lose him too.

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