There has been a huge amount of loss in Emmerdale in recent weeks, is another young life set to join those already lost?
This person has only been in the village five seconds and already they are in mortal danger, thanks to an overzealous dad with a well-meaning but misplaced sense of protecting his vulnerable daughter.
April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) brought Dylan (Fred Kettle) to the village after the pair reunited when she returned to the squat, and Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is far from convinced that the lad is a positive influence.
Dylan brought with him a severe drug habit, and it takes Ross (Michael Parr) to have a word with April to make her see that Dylan needs more than just her help to get off Spice.
It looks like things are getting worse for Dylan and his addiction when Rhona (Zoe Henry) realises some Ketamine is missing from the drugs cabinet in the vets, and the finger of suspicion points at the new local drug addict.
Dylan denies it, but the drugs are found in his pocket. April is utterly crushed at the betrayal. As someone who is struggling to trust those around her, this is a huge blow.
There’s more bad news for April – in the wake of the discovery and April’s disappointment, Dylan overdoses. He’s rushed to hospital in a bad way.
They visit him in hospital and Marlon is destroyed to see him in a critical condition as he battles with the truth – he planted the drugs, it’s his fault. He confesses to Rhona and is desperate to confess to April, but Rhona tells him it’s a bad idea.
As Dylan starts to improve, Marlon tells him what he did and shares his absolute remorse at his actions. He did it with the best of intentions for his daughter, so he says. Marlon offers to pay for Dylan’s rehab by way of atonement.
Marlon is touched and taken aback when Dylan tells him not to tell April the truth.
On the day Marlon is due to take Dylan to rehab Dylan catches his off guard by asking to see April. Marlon tentatively agrees, anxious about what he’ll say. Will Dylan welch on their deal and come clean?