Coronation Street will continue Dee-Dee Bailey’s baby storyline next week, as she faces doubts over whether she should go through with her plan.
Dee-Dee is pregnant with Joel Deering’s baby, and while she considered having a termination so she didn’t have to raise the baby of her villainous late fiancé, she eventually decided that she would put the baby up for adoption once it’s born.
In scenes set to air next Friday (March 14), Dee-Dee’s dad Ed starts to worry if Dee-Dee is making the right decision.
The two have a conversation, and he tells her that he hopes she won’t regret her choice. She stands firm and assures him that she believes she’s doing the right thing.
Is that all there is to it, or will she change her mind?
Another factor in Dee-Dee’s decision is that the child could be a suitable match for Lauren Bolton’s son Frankie, who has been diagnosed with diagnosed with aplastic anaemia and needs a bone marrow transplant.
When she told Lauren that she was keeping the baby, she said: “I didn’t have the abortion. I couldn’t do it. When I got into the room, I just couldn’t lie down. It’s like my body wouldn’t physically let me.
“Perhaps it’s my faith – this desperate hope that some good, any good, can come from all of this. And then there’s Frankie. Maybe we can help him, maybe we can’t, but I want to at least try.”