BREAKING NEWS!! Y&R Recap – Oct 15: Jill Gives Billy a Scathing Ultimatum, Sharon Courts Nick, and Chance Discovers Planted Evidence in Daniel’s Apartment

Faith bumps into Lucy. She holds her arms out to Lucy and hugs her as Lucy cries.

Faith grabs Lucy a drink and rushes over to her. Lucy apologizes for bursting into tears.

Faith can’t imagine how devastating this must be for her.

Lucy can’t believe it and misses her so much. She never thought her mother would not “be here.” She wishes she could take back all the horrible things she said to her mom.

Faith knows this is the most difficult thing Lucy has ever been through, but she wants her to promise she won’t do anything stupid.

Lucy admits she has been tempted to drink.

Lucy and Faith.

Genoa City Athletic Club

Chance and Summer dine. She notices he’s not eating and wonders if he’s not hungry.

Chance claims Heather’s case is really frustrating. He wishes Daniel would allow him to search the apartment for a lead. He could at least rule some things out.

Summer says that suggesting Heather was doing anything behind Daniel’s back is hurtful.

Chance agrees but claims he won’t leave any stone unturned

Phyllis wants to know if Chance was able to provide any updates.

Daniel informs her there’s nothing new but says Chance did have one theory. He says Chance thinks it’s possible Heather had a lover, which somehow ties into all this. He told Chance it was disrespectful and denied his request to search the apartment.

Phyllis wonders why he would say no to that.

Daniel and Phyllis.

Daniel says Heather wasn’t found at the apartment.

Phyllis says it’s a huge mistake not to allow Chance to search the apartment.

Daniel can’t believe Phyllis is saying to allow Chance to do the search.

Phyllis reminds him that Chance is trained and knows what to look for. He can find things that he and Lucy didn’t notice.

Daniel wants to know if Phyllis believes Heather was having an affair.

Phyllis doesn’t believe that and says so. She insists he must allow Chance the opportunity to figure that out.

Phyllis and Daniel.
Sharon’s House

Sharon smiles as the sun shines in her windows. She arranges flowers but places them on the coffee table and calls Nick. She wants to know if he’s free this afternoon.

Nick says he has some time in between meetings.

Sharon wants him to meet her at the park.


Billy is in his office and receives a FaceTime call from Jill. He answers and asks how she is doing.

Jill informs him he should not be smiling because this is not going to be pleasant.

Billy hopes she is well.


Jill claims her health is much better. She is expecting to be released by Snapper very soon.

Billy asks if there’s something wrong with the company.

Jill informs him there is plenty wrong with it! She wonders if he really thought she would never hear about all the outrageous actions he’s taken without her input or consent.

Billy says he is making sound business decisions for the company.


Jilly wonders how firing Lily is sound since she knows more about the company than he does.

Billy reminds her that she gave him full power to do as he sees fit.

She can’t believe he fired Lily, allowed Chance to walk, and replaced him with Phyllis of all people.

Billy defends his decision to bring Phyllis on board.

Jill claims he must be on a one-man mission to bring the Chancellor Empire.Chancellor Park

Nick is surprised by the surprise Sharon has laid out for them. She wanted to do something special to thank him for dinner the other night. Sharon informs him she and Faith are very lucky to have him looking out for them.

Nick claims he is the lucky one.


Sharon pours Nick a drink. It’s sparkling water for her since she’s found the right balance on her new medication.


Nick asks if she is feeling much better.

Sharon and Nick.


Sharon is surprised he can’t tell. She says the dinner also helped and toasts him for always coming to her rescue.

Nick and Sharon.
Sharon wonders how the new role at Newman is going.

Nick claims it’s family biz and there is always something going on.

They recall their first picnic and how it got washed out.

Sharon reminds him that he kissed her as the rain came down around them.

Nick says you would think they had enough sense to come in out of the rain.

Sharon wouldn’t have changed a thing.


Daniel’s Apartment

Phyllis offers to search the apartment with Daniel, but he’s not ready to go through Heather’s things. He can still smell her perfume on their sheets, and he can’t bring himself to pick up her slippers.

Phyllis says that’s why it’s so important to allow Chance the opportunity to search it.

Daniel insists that what happened to Heather must’ve been an accident. Even if it wasn’t, he wonders what the police expect to find there in their home.

Phyllis begs that if Chance could find any little thing to clarify Heather’s last moments it would help him in the grieving process.

Phyllis and Daniel.

GCAC Dining Room

Summer tells Chance she feels so helpless. Lucy and Daniel are struggling, and an investigation just amplifies their pain.

Chance says getting to the truth is sometimes painful.

Chance receives a text from Daniel asking him to come over.

Summer and Chance.

Crimson Lights

Lucy said she didn’t stop drinking on her own. She knew her mom would’ve hated it, and that’s what stopped her. She feels that her mom can see everything now, and she would hate to make her sad again.

Faith says Lucy must keep her alive in her heart.

Lucy wonders why her mom had to die. She informs Faith the police are now investigating as if it wasn’t an accident. She wants to know who would do such a horrible thing and why.


Faith advises Lucy not to let her mind go to those terrible dark places. From what she knows, it seems Heather had a horrible accident.

Lucy points out that Chance has so many questions about what happened.

Faith suggests he is just being thorough.

Lucy and Faith.

Lucy thanks her for being so kind. She admits to taking advantage of that in the past and hopes Faith can forgive her.

Faith says she already has.

Lucy says Heather was her only true friend. She can’t imagine somebody truly wanting her dead and worries about her final moments. She begs for that not to be how Heather died.

Faith gets closer and hugs her again.

Faith and Lucy.

Daniel’s Apartment

Chance shows up at the apartment with his crime scene bag.

Daniel says he’s had time to think and permits Chance to search the apartment.

Chance promises he is working to get answers that will provide him closure. He grabs his gloves and puts them on.

Daniel freaks out and says it seems like an invasion of Heather’s privacy.

Chance says he will be quick.

Daniel and Chance.

GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis is glad to hear that Daniel messaged Chance to come over. She knows that must’ve been hard for him.

Summer claims it’s not possible that Heather was cheating on Daniel. She asks for Phyllis to agree.

Phyllis squirms and says it’s not possible. She hopes Chance will find a clue to help him unravel what happened to Heather.

Heather asks if Phyllis believes there is a chance that they will find something incriminating that will change Daniel’s perception of Heather.


Phyllis leans in and shares that she doesn’t believe Heather was having an affair; Daniel and Lucy were Heather’s world.

Summer agrees and insists Chance will solve this. She says he doesn’t give up. That’s how he was when he was investigating Phyllis’ disappearance.

Phyllis says that’s good to know. That’s the kind of determination they need.

Summer knows Phyllis understands that.

Phyllis says she will work on Billy while Chance works on that. She must convince Billy to hire Daniel. This is the break he needs to get his life back on track.

Summer and Phyllis.
Billy questions if Jill truly believes he wants to see the company fail.

Jill says, based on what she’s heard, that it looks that way.

Billy claims he didn’t inform her of firing Lily because he was concerned about her health. He reminds her she doesn’t have the full story.

Jill has the time and suggests he spell it out to her now.

Billy informs her about Lily working to out him and Chance demanding to be equal partners. He claims he was mistaken again about the amount of faith she has in him.


Jill wishes she could believe him. She knows him and suspects he is overacting some imaginary plot. She says the bottom line is that if he would’ve consulted her things would’ve gone so differently.

Billy says he was worried about her health.

Jill says her health be damned; they both know that is an excuse! She reminds him that Phyllis is her own worst enemy, and everywhere she goes, disaster follows.

Billy doesn’t agree.

Phyllis stands in the doorway as Jill says the last they need is Phyllis messing up things at Abbott-Chancellor.

Phyllis and Billy.

Billy announces Phyllis’ arrival in the office.

Jill asks Phyllis to excuse her because she and her son are having a private conversation.

Phyllis obliges and tells Billy they will meet later when they can actually talk.

Jill says she will be back in Genoa City for Devon and Abby’s wedding. That gives Billy just enough time to clean up this mess he’s made.

Billy wants her to be clear about what she means.

Jill wastes no time making it clear to Billy that he is to fire Phyllis and get Lily back or she will take back the company herself.

Crimson Lights

A blissful Sharon and Nick arrive while Faith continues to console Lucy.

Sharon stops in her tracks, and her smile vanishes when she sees the girls so close.

Nick and Sharon approach Faith and Lucy’s table.

Nick asks how Lucy is doing.

Lucy says she isn’t so well, to be honest.

Sharon says that’s understandable at a time like this. She offers Lucy a tissue and asks where Daniel is.

Lucy explains she just had to get out for a bit. She ran into Faith, and she’s been great.

Nick asks how Daniel is doing.

Lucy says they are both in shock because this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to them.

Daniel’s Apartment

A phone sounds with a notification in the apartment. Chance notices Daniel isn’t answering it. He asks Daniel if that’s his phone, but Daniel says he is on silent.

Daniel stands and wonders where the sound is coming from.

Daniel and Chance.

Chance asks if Lucy left a phone there.

Daniel says that’s not possible because she texted him earlier.

Chance asks about any guests.


Daniel says Phyllis was there. He goes to call her, but the phone alert sounds again.

Chance listens, follows the sound, and opens the liquor cabinet. He grabs the phone, holds it up to Daniel, and asks if he recognizes it.

Daniel says it looks like Heather’s phone.


Daniel goes to grab the phone, but Chance stops him.

Chance wants to know what the phone is doing there.

Daniel says he has no idea.

Chance returns to the cabinet and finds a bloody bundle of towels. He asks Daniel what this is.

Daniel says they look like their towels and asks if that’s blood on them.

Daniel and Chance.
Crimson Lights

Lucy tells Nick, Sharon, and Faith that they woke up this morning to reality. She thought it was all just a bad dream.

Nick tells Lucy that losing someone that close to you is the most unbearable thing in the world, but she will get through it.

Nick, Sharon, Faith, and Lucy.

Lucy says it’s now more than that because the police are investigating. She wonders what they are trying to figure out.

Sharon listens with a stern face.

Lucy says it’s like Chance is on a mission to prove Daniel had something to do with it.

Nick wonders what would make Chance think that.


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