Emmerdale has confirmed Matty Barton’s baby decision in tonight’s episode.
A broody Amy previously told Matty that she wants them to start looking into options for them to begin a family together and had made plans to start renting a house, leaving him stunned.
In the latest instalment, Amy apologised to Matty for springing the news on him out of the blue, especially when they had long-term plans to save to buy a house.
In response, Matty explained that he had other reasons for being hesitant.
“Ames, I don’t want you to think that I never want kids,” he said. “I do.”
“It’s just that sense of responsibility. Knowing that everything you do is gonna have a massive effect on that other person. There’s an added pressure now, isn’t there? Social media, everyone knowing everything about other people’s lives.
“It wouldn’t take long for other kids to find out [I’m trans].”
“Matty, kids don’t care if you’re gay, straight, trans,” Amy reassured him. “They love you regardless, as long as you love them back.
“Yeah, but, I just wouldn’t wanna make their life any harder. Or lose them because someone doesn’t see me as a fit parent,” Matty said, tearing up.
“I see you as the man I fell in love with, and they would see you as the best dad in the world,” Amy replied as she gave him as kiss.
In the end, Matty said yes to the idea of starting a family with Amy, much to her delight. He said he was up for renting as well, but wanted to go down the adoption route.
The two brought in Amy’s son Kyle to tell him about their plans, and he gave them his blessing, as long as he gets a sister.
Elsewhere in the episode, the truth about Anthony Fox’s murder was revealed, as it was confirmed that Aaron Dingle isn’t the killer.