BREAKING NEWS!! Emmerdale airs surprise Aaron twist in John Sugden’s first appearance

Emmerdale has aired a surprise twist for Aaron Dingle in John Sugden’s first appearance.

The soap had announced that actor Oliver Farnworth was joining the castas

a new Sugden family member, but his character John’s appearance in Wednesday’s

(August 7) episode was held back until transmission.

The episode started off with Aaron telling best mate Mackenzie that he had a date planned later that evening, but refused to reveal the identity of the guy.

Aaron later confided in Mack that he was meeting someone for a random hook-up at a hotel, but needed a car. He then convinced Mack to let him borrow Eric Pollard’s car since it was being serviced at the garage.

oliver farnworth as john sugden, emmerdale

On the way to this romantic meeting, Aaron saw a motorist stranded on the side of the road — and it turned out to be newcomer John Sugden.

Aaron managed to fix the radiator in John’s van, but rather than heading off to the hotel, the pair decided to hook up in the back of the van.

Afterward, Aaron suggested they meet up again the following day, but John shot him down. When Aaron went off to relieve himself in the bushes, John drove away with Aaron’s keys and wallet in the van.

Aaron and Mack were left in a difficult situation, as they’d have to wait for a locksmith to get Eric’s car back to the village.

Long-time Emmerdale fans may have picked up the similarities between John and Aaron’s roadside hook-up and the first time Aaron got together with Robert Sugden.

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john and aaron kiss in emmerdale

Back in 2014, Robert Sugden faked a roadside emergency to get Aaron to come meet him. The pair ended up sharing their first kiss on the day — a milestone made all the more awkward now since Robert and John Sugden are half-brothers.

How will Aaron react when he discovers John’s identity?

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