According to spoilers for tonight’s episode of Coronation Street (Monday, September 9), Paul Foreman
tragically dies and ends his journey with MND.
Billy misplaces his phone, though, and goes in search of it before Paul passes away. Will he still be there
in the end, though, despite this?
Will Billy get to say one last goodbye to his husband in Coronation Street spoilers?

Coronation Street spoilers: Paul passes away
After his night out with David, a hungover Billy realises that he’s lost his phone with all of his photos and memories on it. He then goes out to look for it.
However, whilst he’s out, Paul starts struggling to breathe as Bernie and Summer try to keep him alive for as long as they can so that Billy can say goodbye.
An ambulance is called for as Summer realises that there’s no way they can contact Billy. Will Billy be able to say one final goodbye to Paul before he dies?
Coronation Street spoilers: Nick reports Rowan to the police
Nick heads to the police station to report Rowan for blackmail, handing Lisa a notebook full of evidence against him.
Later on, Leanne tells Amy that she emailed herself some files from Rowan’s laptop. Could this help Amy get her money back?
Amy then tells Ken that she might start working longer hours to earn back the money she gave to the Institute, as Ken considers giving her his premium bond win. Ken then tells Cassie about his plans…
Dorin’s heading home
Tyrone tells Fiz that the people traffickers have been arrested so Alina will now be coming to pick up Dorin. They’ll be returning home once she collects him tomorrow.

Betsy is suspicious of Carla and Lisa
With Lisa and Carla in deep conversation outside of the police station, Betsy arrives and soon suggests that there’s more to their relationship than meets the eye… Is she onto something though?