Ross Barton felt as if he was “binned off” by Steph Miligan on Emmerdale as their relationship ended after four months.
Steph, who had been curious over the disappearance of her grandfather Anthony Fox, discovered last week that he had been killed by her mother Ruby, with Caleb, Aaron, Cain, John and Chas all helping to conceal the crime.
Furthermore, Steph received the devastating news that Anthony was indeed her father after he had sexually abused Ruby when she was a teenager, a fact that saw Steph head out of the village for some time alone.
Monday’s (March 17) episode began with Ruby and Caleb wondering about the whereabouts of Steph, with Ruby twigging that she had likely headed to the woods. Her suspicions proved to be correct, with the pair sharing a heartfelt conversation.
Steph remarked that she wanted to “put everything behind [them]”, implying that she would take new action in the storyline. The conspirators, meanwhile, congregated to discuss their next steps, with Steph informing them of her plan.
She detailed that she would tell the police that Anthony had been in contact with her whilst travelling around Spain, though the group – with the exception of Chas – dissuaded her from following through on the idea after stating it would draw unnecessary attention.
As Steph drank alone in the pub, Ross – who has been keen to impress her – arrived to seek clarity on their relationship. He didn’t get the answers he was looking for, however, as Steph stated that her feelings had changed, leading him to ask if he was being “binned off, again”.
As he pleaded for answers regarding her change of heart, Steph told him that she “wasn’t the person” he thought she was before asking him to leave so it doesn’t become “harder than it already [was].”
Are things fully over between Ross and Steph? And will the group be able to keep the secret regarding Anthony?