Maybe this will all work out in the end. Maybe it will be for the best, dramatically speaking. Right now, we’re still miffed that overnight General Hospital broke up Cody and Sasha by making them cousins, turned him back into a ne’er-do-well and turned her into a Michael superfan. To add insult to injury, the show then set up Cody as a potential love interest for Lulu and Sasha as a damsel in distress for Jason to save.
But perhaps when we see where ABC’s daytime drama is going, it will make sense. Perhaps we will be convinced to ship Cody and Lulu, and Sasha and Jason. Stranger things have happened. Then the soap can unmake its mistake by revealing that Cody and Sasha aren’t related after all. They can be together… just when they are getting used to being together with other people
A payoff to Cody and Sasha’s sweet romance would have been nice. However, a messy love quadrangle might be even better. Because technically, we could root for anyone and everyone among Cody, Sasha, Lulu and Jason. Nobody’s the bad guy. Cody and Lulu, at loose ends, could just gravitate toward one another. Sasha and Jason, via their shared secret, could discover that they like being around one another. Then…
Boom! Cody and Sasha, who wanted so badly to act on their feelings, would learn that they could. But would they, since by that time they’d be committed to Lulu and Jason, respectively? We haven’t been crazy about the means, but if that’s the end of this storyline — and the beginning of another one — we might say “Pass the ketchup!” so we can eat our disparaging words about Cody and Sasha’s split.