blood test results from the doctor
She tells Max that it’s more sinister than they’d first thought.
Monday, December 16: Max comforts Lauren
What’s wrong with Frankie?
Monday, December 16: Gail keeps a close eye on Audrey
Monday, December 16: Audrey hatches a plan
She dunks the thermometer into David’s hot tea when Gail isn’t looking.
Monday, December 16: Gail is oblivious
She takes a reading.
Monday, December 16: Gail is sure to be concerned by the result
Will this derail things for her and Jesse?
Monday, December 16: Daisy urges Shona to get her injuries checked out
Shona wonders why Daisy is so concerned. Will she realise that Daisy has something to hide?
Monday, December 16: Shona and Adam talk
Shona has lied to David about how she broke her arm. David believes that Shona suffered the accident at home, when in reality she’d sneaked out of the house to meet someone.
Monday, December 16: David watches on
He sees Shona and Adam talking and gets suspicious.
Wednesday, December 18: Audrey gets a nasty surprise
Matty and Logan turn up at the salon.
Wednesday, December 18: Matty and Logan are on a mission over Damon’s missing money
They pretend to be friends of David’s.
Wednesday, December 18: David interrupts the conversation
Can he get rid of Matty and Logan, or are they too much of a match for him?
Wednesday, December 18: Carla meets up with an Underworld client
They talk business at the Bistro.
Wednesday, December 18: Lisa watches on
She’s unsettled to see the client flirting with Carla.
Wednesday, December 18: Lisa heads over
Will she let her jealousy get the better of her?
Wednesday, December 18: Dee-Dee visits Lauren at the hospital
Max has told Dee-Dee that Lauren is struggling with her mental health.
Wednesday, December 18: Dee-Dee offers to help find a donor for Frankie
But will she reveal her own pregnancy, aware that her unborn baby is Frankie’s half-sibling?
Friday, December 20: Gail hosts a pre-wedding pampering session at the salon
She’s looking forward to tying the knot with Jesse.
Friday, December 20: Audrey makes scathing remarks about Jesse
Her true feelings come to light.
Friday, December 20: Bobby invites Kirk and Fiz back to Carla’s flat
They’ve been kicked out of The Rovers for bringing their own alcohol.