BREAKING NEWS!!! General Hospital Spoilers 9/11/24: Carly and Brennan Team Up!

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Things are getting complicated in today’s General Hospital spoilers! Nina wants to make things right

with Ric, Trina has a warning for Ava, Molly questions Alexis, Liz worries about Lucky as Anna continues to interrogate Isaiah, and Carly and Brennan join forces!

Nina and Ric don’t have a great past, but it appears she might be willing to try and put it behind them at long last. As Nina finds Ric sitting at a table in the Metro Court, she approaches him to ask, “Can I tempt you with something a little stronger?”

At the art gallery, Ava fills Trina in on the latest developments and Trina offers her boss some advice. “That could be used against you in Avery’s custody case,” she cautions.

GH Ric Nina
Can Ric and Nina make amends?ABC

Molly heads to the police station where Alexis has been brought for questioning. And given some time with her mother in the interrogation room, Molly has some questions of her own. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like the answers she gets! “The fact that you just asked me that tells me everything,” Molly complains.

In the hospital, Liz is trying to distract herself with work as Willow wonders, “Are you worried that Lucky might not come back?” And in Isaiah’s room, Anna wants to know more about the stranger and who he really is. “What have you done that would make somebody want to kill you?” she inquires.

Knowing that Lucky asked Isaiah to contact the WSB for help, Carly immediately went to see the head of the local branch of the agency. Because she knows she can probably get Brennan to do as she asks! “I trust your judgment,” he says, raising his glass. Holding her own drink, Carly smirks, “You ain’t seen anything yet!” Could these two make a winning team?

Check out the tease for today’s all-new GH!


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