General Hospital Spoilers Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | GH spoilers 2024

In the upcoming episode of *General Hospital* on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, viewers are in for a

whirlwind of drama as the stakes get higher for many of Port Charles’ key players. Anna Devane’s

suspicions about Jason Morgan come to a boiling point, and she’s ready to take action. Anna has been

convinced for some time now that Jason is responsible for the murder of Agent John Kates, but the truth is much more complicated. While Jason didn’t commit the crime, he did destroy the gun and shell casings for Sonny Corinthos to cover their tracks.

Diane Miller, aware of Anna’s pursuit and the truth about Jason’s involvement, scrambles to protect her client. Diane knows that if Jason is interrogated too soon, the evidence could incriminate him. To buy more time, Diane throws a curveball into Anna’s investigation, causing enough distraction to delay the questioning. This ploy could be the lifeline that Jason and Sonny desperately need to avoid legal trouble.

Meanwhile, another dangerous situation is brewing at General Hospital. Sidwell, a dangerous figure, orders his staff to kill a patient named Isaiah Ganon. Luckily, Jordan Ashford catches wind of the plot and intervenes, leading to the staff’s arrest. However, the situation remains tense, as Isaiah Ganon confesses that he’s still Sidwell’s target. Unless Sidwell is apprehended soon, Isaiah’s life will remain at risk. Determined to protect Isaiah, Anna vows to hunt down and arrest Sidwell before any more harm is done.A youtube thumbnail with the maxres quality

Elsewhere, Rick Lansing stirs up trouble of his own as he insists that Kristina Corinthos-Davis deserves punishment for her recent actions. TJ Ashford finds himself caught in the middle, conflicted between his career and his loyalty to his family. While TJ admits that Kristina’s actions were wrong, he’s frustrated that Rick keeps fueling the fire. TJ is determined not to let Rick’s manipulations affect his career, but the tension between them is undeniable.

On the other hand, Kristina shares a startling confession with her sister Molly Lansing-Davis. She reveals that she had the weapon that Alexis Davis tried to destroy, a revelation that leaves Molly in shock. Kristina wasn’t aware that Alexis had been trying to protect her all along when she found the weapon in Kristina’s bag that fateful night. This revelation leads to a heated confrontation with Alexis, who is furious at the accusations from both Kristina and Molly. In a moment of anger, Alexis lashes out, blaming Kristina for tearing their family apart ever since she became a surrogate in the past.

Porsha Robinson also finds herself in the middle of a personal and professional dilemma. Determined to see justice served, Porsha vows to pursue Heather Webber’s case to the very end, ensuring that Heather has no chance of freedom. However, this pursuit comes at a cost, as it strains Porsha’s relationship with her husband, Curtis Ashford. Curtis is furious with Porsha’s reckless actions and issues an ultimatum—if she doesn’t back down, their marriage could be over.

Meanwhile, Harrison Chase and his partner, Dex, are about to turn the investigation in a new direction. Armed with information from Rick and Liz, Chase begins to suspect that Alexis Davis may have been the one to murder John Kates, not Sonny. Chase even believes that Sonny is only pretending to be the prime suspect to protect Alexis. Additionally, Kristina’s recent unusual behavior leads Chase to consider that she might also be involved in John’s death.

In another storyline, Lucky Spencer and Holly Sutton make significant progress in their mission to take down Sidwell. The two work together successfully, leading to Sidwell’s downfall and their escape from prison. Holly also brings up the infamous Ice Princess diamond, hinting that this storyline could soon make a return to *General Hospital*. Cody Bell, upon hearing about the diamond, sets his sights on retrieving it, ensuring that this plotline is far from over.

With so many revelations, confrontations, and investigations unfolding, Tuesday’s episode of *General Hospital* promises to be packed with tension, drama, and shocking twists that will leave fans eagerly awaiting what happens next.

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