On today’s Days of Our Lives, Theresa sips at a mocktail in Small Bar with an uncomfortable Tate. He’s not comfortable being there with her and his dad’s history, but Theresa promises she wants her life back. But she makes a dig about whether he was drunk when he got Sophia pregnant.
He assures her he was responsible, but it didn’t work, so Theresa says it’s time for him to be responsible with Sophia and the baby. She doesn’t know that giving the baby away is the right answer, but he insists that Aunt Eve’s circumstances were unique. Theresa’s getting onboard until he mentions the prospective parents. “Johnny and Chanel??!” She doesn’t think that’s a good idea. At all.
After some pleading, Theresa finally says she’ll support him, no matter what. And in walks Amy, demanding to know why a teenager is in a bar. So he introduces his mom, who holds out her hand in greeting. Amy just stares at it and crosses her arm, so Theresa says something about being out of town taking care of her mom.
But Amy knows she was a convicted felon, so Theresa tries explaining, but Amy says whatever she did is “between you and God.” Her past crimes don’t concern her as much as EJ’s.
Marlena and Belle Say Farewells
Marlena hangs up with Steve just as Belle gets home, sees the luggage and asks where her mom’s going. “I’m going to find your father.” She lays out Shane dodging her, and Belle tells her mom, “To hell with that.” Marlena agrees and lays out the plan to corner Shane, get answers and bring John home. She knows Belle would do the same for the love of her life, and Belle sighs that she’ll know if she ever finds him.
Marlena tells Belle she can talk to her, so Belle lays out her confusing post-Shawn life. She’s trying to figure out who she is, and maybe that doesn’t involve a love of her life. Marlena asks if that includes EJ, but Belle says it’s over and she’s made that clear to him. “Have you made that clear to yourself?”
Belle says she’s not in denial about him, hence why she dumped him. Ava and Jada were the last straw and she will see to it that he pays.
Paulina and EJ Offer to Charm Amy
Chanel runs into Paulina in the square, and her mom asks how she’s been doing since “the lunch from hell.” All because of EJ. Chanel’s just sorry Amy never got to know the real Johnny and Chanel. That’s OK, Paulina says, she’s got a plan to fix it. She’s meeting Amy for a drink in 15 minutes and Paulina will win her over.
EJ talks to Stefano’s portrait as he eyes up the memory erasing serum and debates using it on Rachel Blake. And that, of course, catches Johnny’s ear as he walks in, so he asks what dad was talking about. So what terrible thing is EJ doing now? EJ just smiles that he’s making the family’s problems disappear. With Amy Choi, of course!
EJ tries blaming the whole thing on Jada and Gabi, but Johnny knows his dad was behind Arnold Feniger and this is all his fault. “How could you get involved with that man after what he did to mom?” EJ keeps up the ruse and refuses to admit anything. Moving on, EJ lays out a plan for a “do-over” with Amy to charm the pants off her.
Johnny doesn’t want it and doesn’t trust his dad. EJ wants to talk to Johnny about Arnold, though, and apologize for what happened with him and Sami all those years ago. He gets visibly emotional as he explains he hadn’t thought the plan through. “Hurting Samantha like that is one of the greatest regrets of my life.” Johnny appreciates it, but forgiveness isn’t his to give.
Everyone Hates EJ DiMera
Steve drops by the pub to fill Roman in on the John search plan. Roman offers to go with them, but Steve doesn’t want to spook Shane TOO much. Steve does ask, though, if Roman can keep an eye on Kayla. Sure thing — plus Roman can keep an eye on Black Patch. There’s no one else right, now, especially after what that “scum of the earth” EJ did. Roman could throttle him with his bare hands. Sami was traumatized the last time this happened.
Johnny meets Chanel in the square and fills her in on his talk with EJ and his apology. It’s the first time they really talked about it, and the first time Johnny felt his dad had a conscience. Chanel asks if he believes his dad about his role in Rafe’s kidnapping again. Johnny doesn’t know.
Paulina and Amy sit down at Small Bar and Sophia’s mom gets right down to business. Paulina is confident that “two God fearing Christian women can solve this crisis.” Amy agrees, and says both Johnny and Chanel seemed lovely, but the baby can’t be anywhere near EJ DiMera. Paulina insists she’ll make sure EJ is “completely out of the equation.”
Roman Flips Out Over EJ
In the show’s final moments, EJ’s alone and pulls out the serum, looks to his dad, then puts it back in the safe. He thinks back to his Valentine’s Day with Belle, then throws a drink back.
Steve arrives at Marlena’s and promises Belle they’ll find her dad. They hug their farewells and Steve and Marlena head out with Belle telling her mom to give Shane hell. Marlena, in turn, encourages her daughter to be honest about what’s in her head and her heart. The heart usually wins out, “for better or for worse.” Belle looks at a photo of EJ and thinks back to telling him off. It’s time to think with her head. The doorbell rings and it’s EJ.
Theresa pops into the pub to try surprising a happy Roman. But he already talked to his sister and Kimberly filled him in on her release. He then tells Theresa about Marlena and Steve confronting her dad, which is when Johnny shows up. He says hi, but Theresa gives him the cold shoulder and says she has to run.
He asks his grandpa for some burgers to go, and Roman says that’s fine so long as EJ gets nothing. He’s drawing a line, but Johnny insists he talked to his dad and he was upset about what Arnold did to his mom. Roman loses his cool and says that’s total BS — it didn’t stop him from doing the same thing. Wait, Johnny’s confused. What?
On the next Days of Our Lives, Johnny learns something that rocks him, and EJ has a talk with Belle.