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Robyn & Kody Brown Accused Of Neglecting Ariella?

Robyn and Kody Brown are under fire and accused of neglecting Ariella. What are TLC fans accusing the parents of doing (or not doing) for Ariella? Well, the topic came up on Reddit after Mykelti shared a photo of Avalon hanging out with Ariella and Solomon.

Sister Wives fans were careful to clarify they were in no way shaming, badmouthing, or trash-talking Ariella. They just wished Kody and Robyn would do a better job taking care of her.

Sister Wives - Meri Brown - Ariella Brown

Mykelti Padron shares photo

As we previously reported, Mykelti Padron surprised Sister Wives fans with an unexpected photo. The photo featured her daughter Avalon sandwiched between her uncle Solomon and her aunt Ariella.

Mykelti explained in the comments of her post that she and her daughter traveled to Flagstaff to spend some time with family.

On Instagram, love poured into the comments of the two photos Mykelti Padron shared. Fans adored seeing an updated photo of Ariella and Solomon Brown. Robyn Brown never posted on Instagram, so fans never get updates on her children. Likewise, fans really appreciated seeing Mykelti and Avalon spending time with family in Flagstaff.

Kody and Robyn Brown neglecting Ariella?

On Reddit, the response to the photo was less positive. One fan admitted they wished Robyn (or Kody) would quit neglecting Ariella’s hair.

They noted Ariella had such adorable-looking curls in her hair. They just wished one of her parents would pay a little more attention to her hair.

This particular Sister Wives fan went out of their way to clarify they were not trying to attack Ariella. They adored her. And, they would never shame a child.

They, however, believed her unkempt and wild hair is a testament to how much her parents care (or don’t care) for her.

Some fans defended Kody and Robyn. They noted that children (like Ariella) don’t always like having their hair brushed. If she’s having a lazy day at home and not going anywhere, is there a reason to tend to her hair? Other fans noted the kids were in a bed. Perhaps Ariella just had a case of bed head.

Mykelti Padron - Instagram
Mykelti Padron – Instagram

The original critic had some support too as fans noted Ariella’s hair frequently looked messy and uncared for.

Should Kody and Robyn Brown consider paying a little more attention to Ariella? Do you think her hair frequently looks messed up? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest Sister Wives news.

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