New Life! Meri Brown’s Living Situation With New Boyfriend Brandon Stone? sister wives season 19

Is Sister Wives star, Meri Brown, already living with her new boyfriend? Furthermore, are they shacking up at the B&B or did she move into his home?

Finally, what makes people think she has taken the leap into living with someone so soon?

Keep reading for more details.

Meri Brown-YouTube

Is Meri Brown Living With Her New Boyfriend?

It took Meri Brown several years to understand that she and Kody Brown’s marriage was over. The two tied the knot when she was 19, in 1990 and it seemed like the perfect match. Even the wedding photos of Meri and Kody show a very happy, beaming couple.

He has since said that it was a struggle from the beginning and didn’t get any easier as they added more wives. This was their dream to be in a plural marriage as that was how Meri was raised. In 1993, Janelle Brown joined as the second wife followed by Christine Brown Woolley in 1994.

Sister Wives/YouTube
Meri Brown, Kody Brown, Christine Brown Woolley, Janelle Brown-YouTube

There was a lot of jealousy and adjusting to the concept of sharing Kody. Yet, over the years, the OG3 made it work until 2010, when Kody courted and ultimately married Robyn Brown.

In 2014, Meri and Kody legally divorced so he and Robyn could get married so he could adopt her 3 kids from a previous marriage.

Ever since, Meri and Kody’s relationship went downhill. He said he didn’t care if she went and found someone new and finally, she exited and didn’t look back. Now, she has been teasing a mystery man and a moving truck so what’s the deal?

His name is Brandon Stone but she refers to him as the #MysteryMan. They have been in a few posts together and she genuinely seems very happy with him and he with her.

While their status and possible living situation seem curious, Screen Rant noted Meri Brown is following Christine’s lead and not wasting any time with the right man.

There is not much information or details on the coupling other than Meri called him a “Christmas miracle.”

Could This Be It?

To be fair, Meri Brown is known for her cryptic posts that leave followers scratching their heads. However, at the end of the Season 19 midseason finale, Meri made a few things clear.

One was that she did not know if she really wanted to live in the B&B. That was never meant to be her home but when she left Kody and Flagstaff, it was the best option.

She also stated that she needed to find herself a man. Now, she did have a brief dalliance with Amos Andrews but that ended nearly a year ago. This seems to be the hint of something good and fans are all for it:

  • Hahahaha YES 🙌🏽 I’m so for this!!! And the gossip which will ensue because of the hashtag ‘mystery man’.
  • Many blessings to you on this new adventure!
  • You look so beautiful and happy in this picture and he’s a nice guy I’m so glad you found somebody to be with takes care of you and only you good luck with the mood and good luck with a new man

Now, it does need to be noted that some followers think Meri is trolling everyone with her hashtags. Additionally, a woman stepped into Meri’s Christmas post about Brandon Stone and stated that they were not dating.

In fact, she claimed that she was his girlfriend so this one is a tough case to crack. Either way, it is great Meri has found her tribe and is living her best life away from Kody.

Do you think this is Meri’s new man or just a very close friend who she is having fun posting with? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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