A Glimpse of the Action Star
In a heartwarming moment, Bruce Willis, the iconic action star known for his roles in “Die Hard” and “Pulp Fiction,” made his first public appearance since his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis. The 69-year-old actor was spotted in Los Angeles, expressing gratitude to first responders battling the ongoing wildfires in the area.
A Family’s Support
Willis’s wife, Emma Heming Willis, shared a touching video on Instagram capturing the moment. In the clip, Bruce is seen shaking hands with Los Angeles police officers, offering a heartfelt “thank you for your service.
A Glimpse of the Action Star
In a heartwarming moment, Bruce Willis, the iconic action star known for his roles in “Die Hard” and “Pulp Fiction,” made his first public appearance since his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis. The 69-year-old actor was spotted in Los Angeles, expressing gratitude to first responders battling the ongoing wildfires in the area.
A Family’s Support
Willis’s wife, Emma Heming Willis, shared a touching video on Instagram capturing the moment. In the clip, Bruce is seen shaking hands with Los Angeles police officers, offering a heartfelt “thank you for your service.