Favorite part of the whole thing😆 I’d pay to see him hooked up to one of those period cramp pain simulators. 😂😂😂

Sister Wives stars Kody Brown and Robyn Brown had too much going on to contain themselves, so an unplugged

version of these two lit up the TLC screen. Kody made a mistake, and it’s likely the sound, vision, and smell of this mistake

is something he will never forget.

As far as Robyn goes, fans saw her more concerned about a phobia she suddenly revealed to fans. So, she didn’t seem to notice that her then-shared husband was under attack by raw sewage.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown’s Crappy Day Caught on Video

Kody Brown packed up his four wives and 17 kids (Ariella Brown wasn’t born yet) and off they went in an RV. It was a big RV, but it held all those people. And many of these Sister Wives family members needed to use the bathroom on their trip.

So, needless to say, by the time they landed in the trailer park after a full day’s travel, well the sewage tank was full. And Kody Brown took on the task of emptying it.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Kody Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

But the next thing you see is an irate Kody jumping around a fast-growing puddle of raw sewage and saying a few words that the Sister Wives editing beeped out.

But he wasn’t the only one whose words needed some bleeping. Robyn Brown fell into that category too.

Kody’s Blames The Kids as Robyn Brown Screams

While this Sister Wives video is only a couple of minutes long, the interaction seen was very telling to fans at the time. This happened about 10 years ago, before Kody and Robyn gained the reputation they have today.

One thing fans noticed is that Kody, who is now splashed with sewage, couldn’t take the blame for this. He pointed the finger at his older boys, who swore they tightened the valves.

It is also one of the first times Sister Wives fans saw Kody reprimand Robyn Brown. Her problem wasn’t the crap spilling all over her husband, no, it was the snow.

Sister Wives: Robyn’s Sudden Phobia

Robyn Brown let out a loud scream as they stepped out of the RV.  After the Sister Wives family left the hot weather behind in Vegas earlier in the day, they are hit with cold and snow when landing in the mountains.

They get situated at a trailer park and Robyn’s scream is loud. So, Kody tells her to be quiet, they have neighbors. She tells him she doesn’t give a sh*t, snow turns her into a monster.

Then later, as the Sister Wives sit on the couch together and talk about this trip, Robyn Brown tells her snow story.  Between her and Kody Brown, they monopolize the conversation.

This video gave Sister Wives fans a quick glance at Kody and Robyn unplugged. It was during a time when fans first started calling out Kody for his treatment of his wives and kids.

The viewers loved the scene, and they still chat about the episode on social media. Many won’t forget the scene where the Sister Wives patriarch sprayed himself with raw sewage. The TLC fans were furious that he blamed his kids for something he didn’t do, check the valves.

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