The actor, who plays Stacey Slater on the BBC soap, is expecting her third child with husband Matt Kay. The couple already
share 5-year-old daughter Dusty and 3-year-old son Trilby.
They announced the exciting news on Instagram in September, posting a picture of the family holding photos of an ultrasound on the beach.
Speaking to The Mirror, Turner shared her excitement at starting a new “chapter” with her family, and revealed that she’s started preparing a photo book for the new arrival.
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“I’m excited for all of us really,” she said. “It’s like another chapter in our little story, yeah I am excited. There’s nothing better than a newborn and a newborn cuddle, so that would be lovely. Yeah, we’re really excited and we’re looking forward to it.”
“You take lots of photos of [your children], thousands of photos,” she continued.
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“I make [a photo book] for my kids every year, I make them a photo book of their year. I love sitting looking through photos, it’s nice that I do it for them, so I should be making three.”
Turner went on to explain that she isn’t worried about having sleepless nights once the baby is born, and shared that she’s looking forward to seeing her children grow up together.
“I love this time of year and obviously we, you know, we’ve got a lot going on in our house but it’s going to be lovely,” she said.
“As the children grow older, it’s lovely. They change so much at this age and it’s lovely to see they’re going through their
little milestones and it’s great.”
Elsewhere in the interview, the actor acknowledged that she feels “really lucky” to have been on EastEnders for so long.
Since joining the soap in 2004, Turner’s character Stacey has been involved in a number of high-profile storylines, including abortion, drug abuse, murder and bipolar disorder.
“I’ve been surrounded by brilliant people,” she revealed. “I don’t have a highlight, really. I’ve met some amazing people and learnt some amazing things. I am a lucky person.”